Fatah glorifies senior member of Black September terror organization
Image and text posted on the official Fatah Facebook page
Text in post and on image:
“Jan. 10, 1973
Martyr (Shahid) Commander Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hamshari (i.e., senior member of the Black September terror organization assassinated shortly after the Munich Olympics massacre; see note below –Ed.)
Today is the anniversary of the death as a Martyr of PLO and Fatah Representative in France Commander Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hamshari. He was one of the Fatah Movement’s first fighters whom the Israeli Mossad (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) gangs assassinated on Jan. 10, 1973.”
The image shows a picture of terrorist Mahmoud Al-Hamshari. At the top of the image is a keffiyeh (Arab headdress) pattern and the Fatah logo that includes a grenade, crossed rifles, and the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas. On the left side of the image is the Dome of the Rock. At the bottom of the image is a Palestinian flag.
Text to the left of Al-Hamshari:
“Mahmoud Al-Hamshari
PLO Representative”
Text at top of image: “Palestinian National Liberation Movement – Fatah”
Text at bottom of image: “Fatah Mobilization and Organization Commission”
The Munich Olympics massacre - a terrorist attack perpetrated by the Palestinian terror organization Black September, a secret branch of Fatah, during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, in which they murdered 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team.