Palestinian media signs agreement with Syrian media
Headline: “A cooperation agreement was signed between the official Palestinian [PA] media and its Syrian counterpart”
“General Supervisor of the [PA] Official Media [with the rank of] minister Ahmad Assaf yesterday (Sunday) [Jan. 13, 2019] signed with Syrian Minister of Information Imad Sara… on a cooperation agreement between the official Palestinian [PA] media and its Syrian counterpart… It should be noted that Minister Assaf is on an official visit in Syria to inaugurate the Palestine Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) office in the capital Damascus.”
“General Supervisor of the [PA] Official Media [with the rank of] minister Ahmad Assaf yesterday (Sunday) [Jan. 13, 2019] signed with Syrian Minister of Information Imad Sara… on a cooperation agreement between the official Palestinian [PA] media and its Syrian counterpart… It should be noted that Minister Assaf is on an official visit in Syria to inaugurate the Palestine Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) office in the capital Damascus.”