PMW bulletin on glorification of terrorist by Palestinian university featured in the Jerusalem Post
Palestinian University Awards Terrorist
With Honorary Certificate
Palestinians held a rally of solidarity earlier this month for Maher Younes, who kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg in 1980.
A Palestinian university in Jericho has awarded one of the terrorists who murdered and kidnapped an Israeli soldier an honorary certificate.
According to Palestinian Media Watch, Palestinians held a rally of solidarity earlier this month for Maher Younes, who kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg in 1980. At the event, marking the 36 years anniversary of his incarceration, Al-Istiqlal University in Jericho – the Palestinian Academy for Security Sciences – awarded him with an honorary certificate.
"The board of governors of Al-Istiqlal University has decided to present prisoner Maher Younes with an honorary certificate in military science as a sign of appreciation for his role and sacrifice,” PMW translated from the Arabic and reported.
Around the same time, Maher Younes’ aunt – the mother of Karim Younes who committed the attack alongside his cousin – was interviewed on Palestinian TV. She told reporters that she believes her son “did noting wrong” and that he makes her “proud.”
Maher and Karim Younes are serving a 40-year prison sentence.