PLO legislative body condemns suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, but compares "deviant ideology" of perpetrators to that of Jews visiting the Temple Mount
Headline: “Palestine condemns the terror attack against its friend Sri Lanka”
“The [Palestinian] National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO) said in a statement yesterday [April 21, 2019] that what happened in Sri Lanka (refers to series of suicide bombings, nearly 300 murdered; see note below -Ed.) is immoral and contrary to religious and human values, which all determine that the places of worship of all the world’s religions are holy and must be protected - especially considering the fact that these terror attacks were carried out during the Easter celebrations...
[The council] added that the deviant ideology that caused these people to commit their despicable crime against the churches in Sri Lanka is the same ideology that causes settlers to break into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, do as they please with it, attack the Muslim worshippers, and prevent them from worshipping freely during the Hebrew Passover holiday (refers to West Bank and Gaza Strip crossings being closed during the holiday due to security concerns -Ed.).”
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