All-time Palestinian hero and arch-terrorist honored by PA National Security Forces with chess tournament: The Abu Jihad Chess Tournament
Abbas inaugurated The Martyr Abu Jihad Faculty Building for Administration and Military Sciences at Palestinian university University festival also honored Abu Jihad Abbas' deputy about arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, responsible for deaths of 125 Israelis:
"This leader [Abu Jihad] whom everyone loved is a very important value in this Palestinian people's conscience. He had an incredible amount of qualities that prepared him to be a leader on this path" PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Fatah defended decision to paint a portrait of the arch-terrorist on the wall of a school, following criticism from US Envoy Greenblatt Fatah: "First interest of our people is... to express our pride in the sacrifices of the fighters of our people and their great leaders such as the Martyr Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad)." Columnist in official PA daily: "Abu Jihad is the Prince of Martyrs and one of the greatest symbols of our people... there is no one from among those who have made the symbol of victory... who does not known him, who does not honor him, and who does not revere his role... He is present among us like a light that is not extinguished and as one of the most prominent Martyrs."
One of the most celebrated heroes in the Palestinian Authority is Abu Jihad, (Khalil Al-Wazir) who organized attacks in which at least 125 Israelis were murdered. Therefore it comes as no surprise that PA Chairman Abbas inaugurated a university building named after him: Text on sign: "In the name of All Merciful Allah
His Honor [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas President of the State of Palestine Inaugurated the Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' Faculty for Administration and Military Sciences At the Al-Istiqlal University Campus On Saturday, May 4, 2019"
"[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas inaugurated several buildings and facilities yesterday [May 4, 2019] at Al-Istiqlal University (i.e., PA Security Forces university) in the Jericho and [Jordan] Valley district. He inaugurated the Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' Faculty Building for Administration and Military Sciences... and the Martyr Atef Bseiso Sports Center (Atef Bseiso was a senior PLO official involved in the Munich Olympics massacre, 11 murdered -Ed.)" Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 5, 2019
In addition, the PA National Security Forces hosted the "Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad Tournament Chess Tournament": Text on poster: "Under the auspices of [PA] National Security Forces Commander Nidal Abu Dukhan
Supervised by the Palestinian Chess Federation Organized by the Al-Yamun Youth Club And supported by the Palestinian National Liberation Movement 'Fatah' - Jenin Area... The opening of the Palestine Individual [Chess] Tournament of the Northern Districts Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad Tournament" Official PA TV Sports News, April 22, 2019
At a festival in honor of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad organized by the Student Union Council at the Al-Quds Open University Abbas' deputy in Fatah Mahmoud Al-Aloul praised Abu Jihad as "a very important value in this Palestinian people's conscience": Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul: "This leader [Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad] whom everyone loved is a very important value in this Palestinian people's conscience. He had an incredible amount of qualities that prepared him to be a leader on this path... For this generation to completely understand and know about its Martyrs and the founders of this revolutionary path and the significance, they should study the values of these leaders who led and died as Martyrs. They should study their values, so that they will help them in completing this path." Official PA TV News, April 27, 2019
Text on poster on university stage: "Yasser [Arafat]'s University (i.e., Al-Quds Open University)
Welcome to the Festival of Loyalty and Honor Our loyalty is to the Martyrs and our honor (text blocked by podium -Ed.)... our prisoners"
Caption on PA TV screen: "Festival in memory of the death as a Martyr of Abu Jihad and Palestinian Prisoner's Day"
Regular columnist for the official PA daily, Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, praised the arch-terrorist's skills and determination: "Abu Jihad - the simple, modest, and shy personality - was like a gunpowder keg and an endless and self-renewing motion, constantly seeking to increase the national achievements. His personality represented two contrasts, as he was a polite man with good traits, peaceable, and non-violent, but he was decisive in his activity to scorch the enemy's consciousness. He paid no heed to any difficulties or complications when the time came to settle accounts and confront the enemies because he wanted to help his national cause, and he succeeded in reaching the Israeli enemy's forces during the ongoing path of struggle with all of the operations (i.e., terror attacks) that he led, aside from a number of isolated unusual operations. Khalil Al-Wazir was not sparing in any operation that he supervised, and did not stop to think much about the resources and lives that the struggle activity would require and demand of him." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 18, 2019
On the anniversary of Abu Jihad's death, Al-Aloul further said it had been a shock when Abu Jihad died and that he had "created hope": "The passing of this great commander was a shock for everyone who experienced it and also for the entire Palestinian people, the Arab nation, the freedom movements in the world, and the peoples that are striving for freedom. Abu Jihad created hope, and not one bit of despair ever entered his heart for even a moment." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 19, 2019
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA has turned Abu Jihad into a role model for society, especially for kids. In April, the PA Ministry of Education inaugurated a wall painting of Abu Jihad in a school for boys named after the terrorist. US Envoy Jason Greenblatt responded to PMW's exposure of this terror glorification and criticized the PA practice: "Despicable glorification of violence and terrorism displayed at a Palestinian school w/ a painting of Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir). Palestinian students deserve to learn about respectable accomplishments of their community not this." Twitter account of Jason Greenblatt, April 23, 2019
In response to Greenblatt's criticism, the PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs defended the decision to adorn a school wall with the portrait of the arch-terrorist: "Accusing the Palestinians of teaching 'terror' due to the hanging of a picture of Martyr, commander, and symbol Abu Jihad is ridiculous and expresses the extent of the American bias and its uselessness. It also again proves that the US has adopted the occupation's positions that deny the Palestinian people's legal national rights that are anchored in the UN Charter, and primarily the right to self-definition and its legal and just struggle for freedom and independence, the national struggle of which Abu Jihad was one of its symbols (sic., the UN Charter prohibits targeting civilians even in war, and calls to resolve international disputes "by peaceful means")." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 26, 2019
Fatah posted a response written in English to Greenblatt's criticism, expressing "pride" in Abu Jihad as a "great leader": "Our response: We advise Mr. Greenblatt to take care of the scandals that are chasing the reckless administration of his boss instead of putting his nose in the affairs of our Palestinian people. He must realize that the first interest of our people is to end the occupation and colonization of our homeland and to express our pride in the sacrifices of the fighters of our people and their great leaders such as the martyr Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad). Munir Al-Jaghoub Head of the Information Office Fatah Movement Commission of Mobilization and Organization" Official Fatah Facebook page, April 23, 2019
A regular columnist for the official PA daily attacked Greenblatt while singing Abu Jihad's praise as "one of the greatest symbols" who is "present among us like a light that is not extinguished": "Abu Jihad - Khalil Al-Wazir is the Prince of Martyrs and one of the greatest symbols of our people and our modern revolution. In the entire world - throughout the entire last century - there is no one from among those who have made the symbol of victory with their fingers who does not known him, who does not honor him, and who does not revere his role. He is the First Bullet and the First Stone. He is one of the symbols of our people and our nation. He is part of the heritage of identity and the heritage of Islamic and Christian faith. He is present among us like a light that is not extinguished and as one of the most prominent Martyrs, and he is hidden in the heart of the Quran: 'And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision' [Quran, Sura 3:169, Sahih International translation]." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 30, 2019
Columnist Yahya Rabah then attacked Greenblatt: "This Zionized American, from among the young people of Trump's administration - does he understand these meanings? Or is he programmed in accordance with the awareness of his president, Trump? And did Jason Greenblatt expect that we would hang his picture on our schools, and that we would celebrate the anniversary of his stupidity in our cities, villages, and refugee camps?"
The leadership of Fatah's Shabiba Youth Movement in the West Bank also stood up for the painting of Abu Jihad, and praised "the eternal Martyr and symbol Abu Jihad": "The leadership of Fatah's Shabiba [Youth] Movement in the West Bank published a statement... [noting] that Greenblatt and his rotten administration should be ashamed and be silent instead of attacking leaders who have sacrificed their lives for our people's freedom, for a world that enjoys freedom, for social justice, and for the peoples' right to self-determination, and prime among them eternal Martyr and symbol Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad.' Abu Jihad spent his life as a fighter, revolutionary, national and global leader, and one of the symbols of the national liberation movement in Palestine and the entire world. He set out full of awareness, justice, and affiliation against Zionism, imperialism, and the injustice that has afflicted our people from the [time of the] Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration) until today." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 25, 2019
Head of the Committee of International Relations of Fatah's Shabiba in Palestine Raed Al-Dab'i called Greenblatt's criticism of the Abu Jihad wall painting a "racist, extremist, Zionist, and hostile attack against a national symbol as great as Khalil Al-Wazir" and said it "only emphasizes the greatness of this leader and his strong presence in the hearts, minds, and souls of the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the free people throughout the world." Al-Dab'i emphasized that "the picture, life stories, struggle, and path of Martyr commander Abu Jihad and all of the Martyrs of our people are instilled in the hearts, minds, and memory and will not be erased by the abominations said by Greenblatt or any of the other senior officials of Trump's racist administration, which today constitutes a danger to the security and stability of the entire world." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 25, 2019]
Following the criticism, Palestinian activists painted another wall painting of the arch-terrorist outside the Aida refugee camp in the Bethlehem district. Head of the Supreme Coordinating Committee to Resist Settlements and the Wall Mundhir Umaira said: "This wall painting bears a message that emphasizes that the Palestinian people is proud of its Martyrs and supports them, and prime among them Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir." [Al-Ayyam, April 28, 2019]
The following are longer excerpts of the reports mentioned above: Official PA TV reporter: "With the participation of 72 male and female players from the Northern Districts (i.e., the West Bank), the Palestinian Chess Federation - in cooperation with the Al-Yamun Sports Club - concluded the Palestine Individual Play [Chess] Tournament, a tournament named after Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad (i.e., terrorist responsible for murder of 125)." Palestinian Chess Federation Secretary Khaled Izz Al-Din: "The tournament bears the name of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir on the anniversary of his death as a Martyr on April 16. The tournament praises the Palestinian prisoner, as on April 17 the Palestinian Prisoner's Tournament [took place]. And this game, the game of chess, is connected to the Palestinian prisoners, as it is the only game that they are allowed to play in the Israeli occupation's prisons." ... Reporter: "The [PA] National Security Forces camp [Horsh Al-Saada] in Jenin hosted the tournament for three consecutive days. The competitors were there and each [one] of them hoped that his name would be among the ten top names." Official PA TV Sports News, April 22, 2019
Abu Jihad
Official PA TV News, on a Student Union Council festival at Al-Quds Open University to mark Palestinian Prisoner's Day and the death of terrorist Khalil Al-Wazir "Abu Jihad" Fatah Deputy Chairman and Fatah Central Committee member Mahmoud Al-Aloul: "This leader [Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad] whom everyone loved is a very important value in this Palestinian people's conscience. He had an incredible amount of qualities that prepared him to be a leader on this path... For this generation to completely understand and know about its Martyrs and the founders of this revolutionary path and the significance, they should study the values of these leaders who led and died as Martyrs. They should study their values, so that they will help them in completing this path." Official PA TV News, April 27, 2019
Yasser Arafat Headline: "Hebron Youth player Baha Maswadi won the Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir Chess Tournament" "Hebron Youth Club player Baha Maswadi won the Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir Individual Chess Tournament, which the Al-Yamun Youth Club in Jenin held at [the PA Security Forces camp] Horsh Al-Saada, hosted by the [PA] National Security leadership and supervised by the Palestinian Chess Federation." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 26, 2019
Headline: "The [PA] president during the inauguration of buildings at Al-Istiqlal University: Jerusalem and our Martyrs, wounded, and prisoners are red lines" "[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas inaugurated several buildings and facilities yesterday [May 4, 2019] at Al-Istiqlal University (i.e., PA Security Forces university) in the Jericho and [Jordan] Valley district. He inaugurated the Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' Faculty Building for Administration and Military Sciences (Abu Jihad was responsible for murder of 125 -Ed.), the Mamdouh Saidam 'Abu Sabri' Multi-Purpose Hall (Abu Sabri was a former Fatah member -Ed.), and the Martyr Atef Bseiso Sports Center (Atef Bseiso was a senior PLO official involved in the Munich Olympics massacre, 11 murdered -Ed.) In his speech before the graduates... he said: 'The youngest youth and the oldest elder of this people completely reject that which is called 'the deal of the century' (refers to US President Donald Trump's as yet unpublished Middle East peace plan -Ed.). We have relied on Allah and the justice of our cause. We will continue to hold on, and we will stand firm thanks to you, thanks to your souls, and thanks to your honor until we receive this right (i.e., the establishment of a Palestinian state).' It should be noted that the president arrived at the university this afternoon (sic., yesterday afternoon) in order to inaugurate several buildings and facilities at the university campus. The moment he arrived... he said: 'We must rely only on ourselves, and not look at anyone - what they want, what they agree to and do not agree to, and what they negotiate about and do not negotiate about. No one interests us; only our people and what our people wants interests us.' He added: 'When we make decisions that are liable to appear difficult and cruel, and are liable to appear inflexible, the goal is to defend our interests, our future, and our rights' (refers to PA rejection of all tax money collected by Israel given deduction of terrorist salaries through Anti "Pay-for-Slay" Law; see note below -Ed.). The president continued: 'When we tell someone "No" for Jerusalem, we are saying this fully... Jerusalem is a red line; your Martyrs since 1965, your prisoners, and your wounded are a red line. We are adhering to these red lines and we will defend them at any cost. I am certain that we will achieve our right, but this requires time, patience, and resolve. "O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful" [Quran, Sura 3:200, Sahih International translation]. I always read this verse and say "Praise Allah." It may be that our Lord, may He be praised, dedicated it to the Palestinian people, because there is no one carrying out Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) in this world other than us, and therefore He said: 'remain stationed (i.e., from the same root in Arabic as Ribat) that you may be successful' - in other words, you will be successful, but do not speed up matters. The issue is difficult and complicated, but in the end you will achieve the independent Palestinian state'... While inaugurating the Martyr Atef Bseiso Sports Center, he recalled the memory of Martyr Atef and said: 'He had a very bright future, and he made very great efforts that no one knows about, but he died as a Martyr and was assassinated in France by the Israeli forces due to what this young person who had not yet reached the age of 40 when he died as a Martyr did. Therefore we need to honor him and commemorate his name, and this is in order to commemorate the names of the rest of the young people like him, because we have hundreds of thousands of young people who have died as Martyrs in this way, like Atef.'" Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 5, 2019
Text on sign: "In the name of All Merciful Allah His Honor [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas President of the State of Palestine Inaugurated the Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' Faculty for Administration and Military Sciences At the Al-Istiqlal University Campus On Saturday, May 4, 2019"
Atef Bseiso
Israel's Anti "Pay-for-Slay" Law
Excerpt of an op-ed by Yahya Rabah, a regular columnist for the official PA daily "Our memories fill us with hope and resolve, resistance and achievements. At the beginning is the anniversary of the assassination of our three leaders Abu Yusuf Al-Najjar (i.e., commander of operations of the Black September terror organization), Kamal Nasser, and Kamal Adwan (i.e., senior members of Black September), who after their assassination have constituted light, dawn, unending epics, and eternal examples in our lives that our generations are again recreating. Afterwards is the 31st anniversary of the death of the Prince of the Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist responsible for murder of 125 Israelis), the First Bullet and the First Stone, who used to tell us: 'We Palestinians have no time to cry, rather all of the time is for the next confrontation,' and who taught us that the distance between our minds in our heads and our fingertips needs to be very short, and that we must carry out what we think in our minds with our fingertips." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 20, 2019
Abu Yusuf Al-Najjar
Kamal Adwan and Kamal Nasser Regarding the 31st anniversary of the death as a Martyr of Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist responsible for the murder of 125 Israelis), Al- "Fatah Movement Deputy Chairman [and Fatah Central Committee member] Mahmoud Al-Aloul said: 'The passing of this great commander was a shock for everyone who experienced it and also for the entire Palestinian people, the Arab nation, the freedom movements in the world, and the peoples that are striving for freedom.' He added: 'Abu Jihad created hope, and not one bit of despair ever entered his heart for even a moment. He believed that victory would come and always emphasized that it is expected to come at any moment. He was convinced of his view and spread hope among those around him; and he also believed in national unity [achieved] through [activity] on the ground, and that the main dispute is with the occupation.'" Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 19, 2019
Excerpt of an op-ed by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for the official PA daily "'Abu Jihad' [Khalil] Al-Wazir (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125) - the simple, modest, and shy personality - was like a gunpowder keg and an endless and self-renewing motion, constantly seeking to increase the national achievements. His personality represented two contrasts, as he was a polite man with good traits, peaceable, and non-violent, but he was decisive in his activity to scorch the enemy's consciousness. He paid no heed to any difficulties or complications when the time came to settle accounts and confront the enemies because he wanted to help his national cause, and he succeeded in reaching the Israeli enemy's forces during the ongoing path of struggle with all of the operations (i.e., terror attacks) that he led, aside from a number of isolated unusual operations. Khalil Al-Wazir was not sparing in any operation that he supervised, and did not stop to think much about the resources and lives that the struggle activity would require and demand of him." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 18, 2019
Headline: "The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Greenblatt's statements against Abu Jihad constitute a clear denial of our people's rights" "The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said in a statement yesterday [April 25, 2019] that 'American Envoy Jason Greenblatt is volunteering, as is his habit, to market the occupation's narratives and positions and to defend them, and is again confirming the absolute American adoption of the occupation, the settlement, and a political path that is hostile to peace. The ministry added: 'Accusing the Palestinians of teaching "terror" due to the hanging of a picture of Martyr, commander, and symbol Abu Jihad (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125 Israelis) is ridiculous and expresses the extent of the American bias and its uselessness. It also again proves that the US has adopted the occupation's positions that deny the Palestinian people's legal national rights that are anchored in the UN Charter, and primarily the right to self-definition and its legal and just struggle for freedom and independence, the national struggle of which Abu Jihad was one of its symbols (sic., the UN Charter prohibits targeting civilians even in war, and calls to resolve international disputes "by peaceful means").' The ministry continued: 'Greenblatt insists on plotting with the occupation and covering it and its crimes, and intentionally ignores the fact that the occupation is one of the most criminal forms of terror. He also insists on ignoring the terrorism of the gangs of settlers and their armed militias in a biased manner. Greenblatt's words again emphasize that [US] President [Donald] Trump's administration and his team are not suitable to fulfill an objective role in achieving peace in the region, and even in raising ideas and viewpoints for resolving the conflict.'" Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 26, 2019
Excerpt of an op-ed by Yahya Rabah, regular columnist for the official PA daily Headline: "The buried deal and the ostracized administration" "Why are you not satisfied, [US Envoy] Mr. Jason [Greenblatt]? Because the Palestinians are hanging pictures of Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125) in their schools, institutes, and universities, in order to preserve his memory in their hearts and minds (refers to Greenblatt's criticism of the PA honoring Abu Jihad, as exposed by PMW; see note below -Ed.)? According to the outlook of this envoy and member of [US President Donald] Trump's administration, this contradicts the peace efforts. Abu Jihad - Khalil Al-Wazir is the Prince of Martyrs and one of the greatest symbols of our people and our modern revolution. In the entire world - throughout the entire last century - there is no one from among those who have made the symbol of victory with their fingers who does not known him, who does not honor him, and who does not revere his role. He is the First Bullet and the First Stone. He is one of the symbols of our people and our nation. He is part of the heritage of identity and the heritage of Islamic and Christian faith. He is present among us like a light that is not extinguished and as one of the most prominent Martyrs, and he is hidden in the heart of the Quran: 'And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision' [Quran, Sura 3:169, Sahih International translation]. This Zionized American, from among the young people of Trump's administration - does he understand these meanings? Or is he programmed in accordance with the awareness of his president, Trump? And did Jason Greenblatt expect that we would hang his picture on our schools, and that we would celebrate the anniversary of his stupidity in our cities, villages, and refugee camps? But this is just a drop in the ocean in terms of the behavior of this American administration, which is failed, stunned, and helpless before the awareness, depth, courage, and resolve of our Palestinian leadership... Trump and the young people of his administration have discovered that the Palestinian issue is deeper than they think over there. Even the deal of the century (i.e., Trump's as yet unpublished Middle East peace plan), about which they have filled the world with noise, has died like a small bird that suffocated in their hands. Even President Trump's son-in-law [US Senior Advisor Jared Kushner] has found nothing to say, and therefore he has preferred to remain silent, defeated." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 30, 2019
Headline: "In response to Greenblatt describing Martyr Abu Jihad as a terrorist, Fatah's Shabiba: Our Martyrs are the symbol of our honor, and the American administration is the symbol of global terror" "The leadership of Fatah's Shabiba [Youth] Movement in the West Bank published a statement in which it responded to a tweet by [US President Donald] Trump's Middle East Envoy Jason Greenblatt in which he described commander, symbol, and Martyr (Shahid) Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist responsible for the murder of 125) as a terrorist, and objected to the hanging of his picture in one of the Palestinian schools. Shabiba emphasized in its statement that 'Greenblatt and all of the racist Zionist senior American administration officials are not worthy to talk about morals and values of which they do not even have their basic elements, and the appointment of Greenblatt himself as the one responsible for the values of freedom, tolerance, and development is ridiculous and disgusting. Fatah's Shabiba noted in its statement that Greenblatt must relearn history well and reread it in order to see that true terrorism can be summarized in the history of the US, which is based on attacking peoples, stealing their resources, and the attempt to subjugate them. This is because an educated reading of the lines of history reveals ongoing American aggression against a variety of peoples, from the original residents of the land of whom only 1.5% remain today, to Nicaragua, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, the Panama Canal (i.e., Panama), Colombia, the tainted interference in Haiti, Chile, Cuba, and Honduras, and the Korean, Iraqi, Iranian, Syrian, and Afghanistan wars. Shabiba also challenged Greenblatt to name a state which the US has not interfered with crimes against its citizens, whether directly or by financial or political interference, or in any other racist and fascist way. Shabiba emphasized that ISIS and the rest of the terrorist organizations draw strength and a tailwind from the American crimes in the region, and that terrorist Baruch Goldstein, who carried out the massacre in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron (i.e., the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre; see note below), is no different than the American terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the rest of the states. It also added that a state that has dropped atomic bombs on civilians in Japan has no right to appoint itself responsible for world peace. Fatah's Shabiba noted that Greenblatt and his rotten administration should be ashamed and be silent instead of attacking leaders who have sacrificed their lives for our people's freedom, for a world that enjoys freedom, for social justice, and for the peoples' right to self-determination, and prime among them eternal Martyr and symbol Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad.' Abu Jihad spent his life as a fighter, revolutionary, national and global leader, and one of the symbols of the national liberation movement in Palestine and the entire world. He set out full of awareness, justice, and affiliation against Zionism, imperialism, and the injustice that has afflicted our people from the [time of the] Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration) until today. Head of the Committee of International Relations of Fatah's Shabiba in Palestine Raed Al-Dab'i noted that this racist, extremist, Zionist, and hostile attack against a national symbol as great as Khalil Al-Wazir only emphasizes the greatness of this leader and his strong presence in the hearts, minds, and souls of the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the free people throughout the world. This includes the US, whose people is worthy of a fair administration that takes interest in the affairs of the poor and the weak layers [of society], instead of increasing the wealth of the wealthy at the expense of the dignity, freedom, and bread of the poor in the US and all of the states in the world. Al-Dab'i emphasized that the picture, life stories, struggle, and path of Martyr commander Abu Jihad and all of the Martyrs of our people are instilled in the hearts, minds, and memory and will not be erased by the abominations said by Greenblatt or any of the other senior officials of Trump's racist administration, which today constitutes a danger to the security and stability of the entire world." Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 25, 2019
Posted text: "[US Envoy Jason] Greenblatt attacks the placement of a picture of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir [Abu Jihad] (i.e., terrorist, responsible for the murder of 125) in a Palestinian school and says: The quote: 'Despicable glorification of violence and terrorism displayed at a Palestinian school w/ a painting of Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir). Palestinian students deserve to learn about respectable accomplishments of their community not this.' Our response: (The following was written in English -Ed.) We advise Mr. Greenblatt to take care of the scandals that are chasing the reckless administration of his boss instead of putting his nose in the affairs of our Palestinian people. He must realize that the first interest of our people is to end the occupation and colonization of our homeland and to express our pride in the sacrifices of the fighters of our people and their great leaders such as the martyr Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad).
Munir Al-Jaghoub Head of the Information Office Fatah Movement Commission of Mobilization and Organization"
The image shows a tweet by US Envoy Jason Greenblatt, which includes the above quoted text and a link to the PMW bulletin: PA Ministry of Education teaches children that arch-terrorist who planned murder of 125 is a hero.
Text on image: "Despicable glorification of violence and terrorism displayed at a Palestinian school w/ a painting of Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir). Palestinian students deserve to learn about respectable accomplishments of their community not this." Official Fatah Facebook page, April 23, 2019
Headline: "In response to Greenblatt's statements - a wall painting in Bethlehem for Martyr Abu Jihad" "Activists painted a large wall painting of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125) at the entrance to the Aida refugee camp in the Bethlehem district, in response to the statements of American Middle East Envoy Jason Greenblatt in which he attacked Martyr Khalil 'Abu Jihad' (refers to Greenblatt's criticism of the PA honoring Abu Jihad, as exposed by PMW; see note below -Ed.). Head of the Supreme Coordinating Committee to Resist Settlements and the Wall Mundhir Umaira said: 'This wall painting bears a message that emphasizes that the Palestinian people is proud of its Martyrs and supports them, and prime among them Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir.' Umaira emphasized that Greenblatt's statements are not aggressive towards Martyr Abu Jihad alone, but rather towards the Palestinian people and its national rights. He pointed out that Greenblatt does not recognize the meaning of struggle and sacrifice for the homeland, and does not know the meaning of being a revolutionary against tyranny and oppression like Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir... Fatah Secretary at the Aida camp Muhammad Lutfi said that the painting of Martyr 'Abu Jihad' Khalil Al-Wazir expresses the rejection by all parts of the Palestinian people of the American-Zionist actions, as he noted that it is not strange that this racist administration that belittles all of the international agreements and conventions... attacks a national, revolutionary, Palestinian, and international symbol like Martyr Abu Jihad. Lutfi emphasized that this wall painting carries several messages, the most important of which is that it is painted alongside the gate and key of return to emphasize that the Martyrs' sacrifice for the legitimate Palestinian national rights - and prime among them the right of return - will not be in vain." Al-Ayyam, April 28, 2019