Abbas sends letter to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un
Official PA TV News, on a letter from PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to North Korean President Kim Jong-un
Official PA TV newsreader: "His Honor [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas' envoy [Fatah Deputy Chairman and Fatah Central Committee member] Mahmoud Al-Aloul gave Deputy Head of the North Korean State Affairs Committee Choe Ryong-hae a letter from the president to his counterpart [North Korean President] Kim Jong-un. In it he updated [him] on the latest developments of the Palestinian problem and the steps that the [PA] leadership intends to take when the 'deal of the century' (i.e., US President Donald Trump's as yet unpublished Middle East peace plan) is announced. Al-Aloul briefed his host regarding the occupation government's blows against our people and its holy places. Choe-hae conveyed the blessings of Jong-un to his honor the president and to the Palestinian people, while emphasizing the principled, consistent, and supportive position for our people's struggle."