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Terror mom urges imprisoned terrorists to smuggle out sperm and father as many children as possible

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

PA Minister of Women’s Affairs congratulated terror mom over grandson born of smuggled sperm

Um Nasser Abu Hmeid - the PA’s adored terror mom who has 6 terrorist sons who together murdered at least 10 Israelis and participated in numerous terror attacks became a grandmother earlier this month after her terrorist son, Nasr Abu Hmeid, smuggled his sperm out of the Israeli prison where he is serving 4 life sentences for his involvement in the murder of 4 Israelis.

Interviewed together with her daughter-in-law, terror mom Um Hmeid urged all other terrorist prisoners to smuggle out their sperm to father “as many babies as possible” for the Palestinian people. Her daughter-in-law expressed satisfaction that she and her terrorist husband had a baby “in defiance of the Jews”:

Text on screen: “Yaman, a Palestinian baby, born June 15, 2019
but far from his father, prisoner Nasr Abu Hmeid”
Wife of terrorist Nasr Abu Hmeid, Ala’ Al-Naji: “We feel very good about having given birth to Yaman in defiance of the Jews. May he light up our lives and light up our faces, and may Nasr return safely, Allah willing.” ...
Text on screen: “Abu Hmeid, 43, is serving 5 life sentences in prison and succeeded in fathering his son through sperm smuggled out of the occupation’s prisons”
Mother of terrorist Nasr Abu Hmeid, Um Nasser Abu Hmeid: “I say to every mother of a prisoner, whose son is in prison and whose sentence is long, not to hesitate, [so] that as many babies as possible will be born. Even two or three from one womb is an achievement for the Palestinian people.”
Posted text on Facebook: “In defiance of the occupation; Yaman - a new baby who prisoner Nasr Abu Hmeid was blessed with through smuggled sperm.”
Facebook page of the Quds news agency, June 16, 2019

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that several terrorist prisoners have succeeded in fathering children after smuggling out their sperm, and that a particular clinic in Nablus facilitates the impregnation of the wives. Director of the Razan Medical Center Dr. Salem Abu Khaizaran explained in 2015 that 36 children - “ambassadors of freedom” - had already been born via smuggled sperm, and that eight additional women were expecting:

Director of the Razan Medical Center Dr. Salem Abu Khaizaran: "We have 36 male and female ambassadors of freedom, praise Allah, until now. We also have eight women in different stages of pregnancy. We have dozens of women who, Allah willing, expect to join the in vitro fertilization program soon."
Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, episode entitled “The Children of the Sperm,” May 7 and 9, 2015

After the recent birth of her grandson, Um Hmeid received a prominent visitor at her home: The PA’s Minister of Women’s Affairs Amal Hamad came to congratulate her.


Minister Hamad praised Um Hmeid for being an example of “resolve, defiance, patience, and tolerance,” and reiterated the elevated status the PA has assigned to the terror mom:

Minister Hamad: “She is the mother of us all and we are her sons and daughters. She is a Palestinian mother who has sacrificed all of her sons - whether as Martyrs or prisoners - for the liberation of the homeland and the removal of the occupation.”
Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 22, 2019

Um Hmeid stated that “her sons have achieved ‘victory’ (“Nasr” in Arabic -Ed.) in all of their battles against the occupation and Yaman [her grandson] is an additional victory.”

The following are longer excerpts of the reports quoted above:

Headline: “The [PA] Minister of Women’s Affairs met with Khansa of Palestine and congratulated her on the released newborn”
“[PA] Minister of Women’s Affairs Dr. Amal Hamad visited Khansa of Palestine, Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (i.e., mother of terrorists responsible for at least 10 murders; see note below), at her home in order to congratulate her over her new victory ‘Yaman,’ who was born through smuggled sperm, and whose father Nasr Abu Hmeid (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of 4) is a prisoner who has been in the Israeli occupation’s prisons since 2002 and is serving 5 life sentences.
Dr. Hamad emphasized that she [Um Hmeid] is one of the Palestinian women whose lives constitute an amazing experience and provide rare examples of resolve, defiance, patience, and tolerance. Therefore, she has merited the name Khansa of Palestine (refers to a figure from the earliest period of Islam who rejoiced when her four sons died as Martyrs in battle -Ed.), and she is the mother of us all and we are her sons and daughters. She is a Palestinian mother who has sacrificed all of her sons - whether as Martyrs or prisoners - for the liberation of the homeland and the removal of the occupation.
Mother Um Nasser proudly said that her sons have achieved ‘victory’ (“Nasr” in Arabic -Ed.) in all of their battles against the occupation and Yaman is an additional victory, as the prison did not stop their lives, and all of the occupation’s steps will not prevent us from standing firm and defying [it].”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 22, 2019]

The article includes a picture from PA Minister of Women’s Affairs Amal Hamad’s visit to Um Nasser Abu Hmeid.

Nasr Abu Hmeid

Um Nasser Abu Hmeid

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