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Fatah and PLO summer camp teaches children to honor arch-terrorists who murdered hundreds

Text on screen: “The [Fatah] Shabiba High School Committee - Bethlehem Branch"
This is how Fatah teaches its children loyalty to the Martyrs’ blood”

Children: “Saddam Hussein – O God, have mercy on Saddam Hussein
Yasser Arafat – O God, have mercy on Yasser Arafat…
Ahmed Yassin – O God, have mercy on Ahmed Yassin (i.e., founder of Hamas)
Abu Jihad – O God, have mercy on Abu Jihad (i.e., responsible for murder of 125)…
Abu Iyad – O God, have mercy on Abu Iyad (i.e., planner of Munich Olympics massacre)."

The children are wearing t-shirts with the logo of the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs and the logo of the 2019 summer camps organized by the PLO council.

Saddam Hussein

Yasser Arafat

Ahmed Yassin

Abu Jihad

Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf)

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