Fatah and PLO summer camp teaches children to honor arch-terrorists who murdered hundreds
Text on screen: “The [Fatah] Shabiba High School Committee - Bethlehem Branch"
This is how Fatah teaches its children loyalty to the Martyrs’ blood”
Children: “Saddam Hussein – O God, have mercy on Saddam Hussein
Yasser Arafat – O God, have mercy on Yasser Arafat…
Ahmed Yassin – O God, have mercy on Ahmed Yassin (i.e., founder of Hamas)
Abu Jihad – O God, have mercy on Abu Jihad (i.e., responsible for murder of 125)…
Abu Iyad – O God, have mercy on Abu Iyad (i.e., planner of Munich Olympics massacre)."
The children are wearing t-shirts with the logo of the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs and the logo of the 2019 summer camps organized by the PLO council.
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