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"May Allah reward them" - Fatah official greets murderer's family

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

"May Allah reward them" - Fatah official greets family of murderer of 2

"All forms of aid to the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners" will be provided

  • Murderer's demolished house is being rebuilt

"May Allah reward them," said Fatah official Abbas Zaki when he honored the family of Omar Abu Laila - murderer of 2 - with a visit last week.

In March this year, 19-year-old Omar Abu Laila stabbed and murdered Israeli soldier Gal Keidan and shot and murdered Rabbi Achiad Ettinger, a father of 12. Abu Laila was later killed during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers when they attempted to arrest him.

This is the murderer who the PA turned from an unknown teenager into a Palestinian symbol - in just two weeks - as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Since then, the PA and Fatah have honored this murderer immensely, and called him a "heroic Martyr," "more honorable than all of us," and "the perfect person." They have even named a street, a square, and a mosque after him.

Abbas Zaki's recent visit to the family is just one more expression of the official Palestinian admiration for this murderer. Furthermore, Zaki repeated the PA and Fatah's support for all other Palestinian terrorists and murderers when he stressed that "all forms of aid to the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners" will be provided. 

Official PA TV newsreader: "Fatah Movement Central Committee member Abbas Zaki toured the building [site] of the new home of Martyr Omar Abu Laila's family in the town of Al-Zawiya, in the Salfit district. Zaki emphasized the provision of all forms of aid to the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners."

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki: "May Allah reward [Abu Laila's] family, because all that we are doing does not equal a moment like this when he enters the thoughts of his father or mother. I want to send my greetings to the [Fatah] branch, to send my greetings to this wonderful family."

Official PA TV News, July 1, 2019

During the meeting, Zaki posed with the family and a poster of murderer Omar Abu Laila with a text that emphasizes the status of "Martyr" granted by the PA to the murderer, indicating he has earned and deserves his place in Paradise:

"Allah, let his spirit dwell in the bodies of green birds flying as they please in Paradise" 

The quote refers to a Hadith - an Islamic tradition attributed to Islam's Prophet Muhammad - that teaches that Martyrs in Paradise live inside the bodies of green birds:

"Narrated Ka'b bin Malik: From his father that the Messenger of Allah said: 'The souls of the martyrs are in green birds, suspended from the fruit of Paradise, or the trees of Paradise.'" [Jami'at-Tirmidhi 1641]

Zaki's meeting with the murderer's family took place at the building site of their new home, which is being built after Israel demolished the murderer's home in response to his attack. PMW has exposed that the PA, under orders from Abbas, also has rebuilt the houses of other murderers.
The rebuilding of murderer Abu Laila's home was initiated by Abbas' Fatah Movement and a committee of local Fatah officials, who also purchased land for the new home:

"The Fatah Movement has launched an initiative, in partnership with Salfit District institutions, to rebuild the home of Martyr Omar Abu Laila's family from the village of Al-Zawiya. The movement announced the establishment of a committee, including five people from the Salfit branch of Fatah and institutions of the district, which has purchased a new lot of land in the village in the west of the district, and the machines have begun to remove the rubble and dig into the ground in preparation for building the foundations of the new house... the committee will supervise the rebuilding process that is expected to be finished within four months, in addition to providing temporary shelter to the Martyr's family until it is moved to its new house."

Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 25, 2019

Fatah's Shabiba Student Movement also donated money to rebuilding the murderer's home:

Posted text: "The [Fatah] Shabiba Student Movement at the Al-Arroub branch of Palestinian Technical University - Kadoorie donates a sum of 1,000 dinars towards building the home of Martyr Omar Abu Laila's family.

Many thanks to you, members of the Elder's (i.e., Arafat's) Shabiba. We were educated at Yasser's school."

Text on check: "[Fatah] Shabiba Student Movement

Palestinian Technical University - Kadoorie - Al-Arroub Branch

1,000 dinars

To: The family of Martyr Omar Abu Laila

Amount: One thousand dinars

Signed: Shabiba Student Movement"


Facebook page of the Fatah Shabiba Member Forum, April 29, 2019

Abbas Zaki is not the only official venerating murderer Abu Laila. PA Chairman Abbas' deputy in Fatah, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, recently referred to him as well when he implicitly threatened more violence and terror against Israel. In a public speech he addressed Israel and the US, and warned that "there are thousands" like Omar Abu Laila.

The following are longer excerpts of the reports cited above and an additional report on Zaki's visit to the murderer's family:

Posted text: "Fatah Movement Central Committee member brother Abbas Zaki honors the family of Martyr Omar Abu Laila at the conclusion of the Hebron Equestrian Club's championship in Salfit, and visits Martyr Abu Laila's home together with [Fatah's] Salfit branch Secretary Abd Al-Sattar Awwad and a number of the [Fatah] Movement's activists."

Text on poster: "Allah, let his spirit dwell in the bodies of green birds flying as they please in Paradise (refers to Islamic tradition that Martyrs in Paradise reside in the bodies of green birds; see note below -Ed.)"

The images show Fatah Central Committee member and Fatah Commissioner for Arab and China Relations Abbas Zaki with the family of terrorist Omar Abu Laila. [Official Fatah Facebook page, July 1, 2019]
Omar Abu Laila
House demolitions

"The occupation blew up the home of Martyr Omar Abu Laila's family"
"Yesterday morning [April 24, 2019] the occupation forces blew up the home of the family of Martyr Omar Abu Laila (i.e., terrorist, murdered 2) in the village of Al-Zawiya west of Salfit...
The Fatah Movement has launched an initiative, in partnership with Salfit District institutions, to rebuild the home of Martyr Omar Abu Laila's family from the village of Al-Zawiya. The movement announced the establishment of a committee, including five people from the Salfit branch of Fatah and institutions of the district, which has purchased a new lot of land in the village in the west of the district, and the machines have begun to remove the rubble and dig into the ground in preparation for building the foundations of the new house. A reporter of [the official PA news agency] WAFA emphasized that the committee will supervise the rebuilding process that is expected to be finished within four months, in addition to providing temporary shelter to the Martyr's family until it is moved to its new house. The occupation forces executed Omar Abu Laila, 19, on March 19 [2019] in an old house in the village of Abwein, north of Ramallah, after a three-day chase, and took his body, claiming he carried out a stabbing operation that led to the death of 2 settlers and the wounding of others next to the settlement of Ariel."

Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 25, 2019

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