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Netanyahu is "Darkness" sending his "messengers" Trump and Kushner - song on official PA TV

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus  |

Netanyahu is "a monster with horns," "dragging" his "tail" - Trump

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the "Darkness" that sends his "messengers" US President Donald Trump and his Senior Presidential Advisor Jared Kushner, according to a music video broadcast by official Palestinian Authority TV. PA Chairman Abbas is the "light" - literally "the Son of the Sun," - the counter force who will defeat the Darkness (Netanyahu).

Visuals of Netanyahu followed by Trump are shown while the lyrics tell of "a monster with horns dragging a tail." Abbas - the "Son of the Sun" - is instructed to "break its horn and cut off its tail":


The monster later "knocks on the door with his fangs" while a photo of Trump is shown followed by a dollar bill with his face. 

Lyrics: "[Whether you] carry your weapons or not

Tomorrow a stream of the great people will roar

It will roar towards Palestine and has been singing this revolution for years...

The Darkness sends its messengers

Tell him, Son of the Sun [PA President Abbas], tell him

Tell him: Leave, O Darkness! Stop trying in every way

Monster with horns dragging a tail

Break its horn and cut off its tail!

The merchant has changed his tune

My country's ear no longer heeds him...

He knocks on the door with his fangs"

Official PA TV, June 27, 2019; Son of the Sun song by the Alashekeen band

The song was aired on official PA TV in the context of the Bahrain Conference (June 25-26, 2019). The PA boycotted the conference which focused on economic aspects of Trump's as yet undisclosed peace plan - the deal of the century - and discussed how to bring prosperity to the Palestinians.

Palestinian Media Watch documented other negative PA responses to the Bahrain workshop. Abbas' deputy implicitly threatened violence in response to the meetings in Bahrain, stressing during a public speech that "there are thousands" like Omar Abu Laila - a murderer of 2 Israelis. Fatah's youth movement threatened to start an intifada with the words "[we can] make the ground burn under the feet of the tyrants." and Palestinians hanged and burned a Trump effigy and called him a Nazi.

The song was performed by the Palestinian Alashekeen band. PMW has documented that they have glorified and called for armed attacks against Israel in music videos and have sung about the end of Israel and that Abbas declared the band a "national institution" in 2010.

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