PA daily calls Jewish mourning period as “the most dangerous season of Judaization… the anniversary of ... ‘the destruction of the alleged Temple’”; Jews visiting Temple Mount referred to as “break-ins”
Headline: “‘The Temple organizations’ call for widespread break-ins into the Al-Aqsa Mosque today – and the [PA Ministry of] Religious Affairs condemns [them]”
“Organizations that belong to what is called the alleged ‘Temple organizations’ union’ (see note below –Ed.) called on their supporters and the settler public for widespread participation in break-ins to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque today, Sunday [July 21, 2019], for the purpose of Judaizing Talmudic (i.e., Jewish) holidays (i.e., the 17th of Tammuz, a fast day commemorating the breach of Jerusalem’s walls before the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE).
Among the extremist Jews, today is a Talmudic holiday considered the beginning of the most dangerous season of Judaization, and it is what is called ‘the fast of Tammuz,’ and is a prelude to the anniversary of what is called ‘the destruction of the alleged Temple’ (i.e., Tisha B' Av; see note below).
The [PA] Ministry of Religious Affairs condemned the calls issued by the alleged Temple organizations to their supporters and the settler public to participate in break-ins to the Al-Aqsa Mosque…
[Deputy PA Minister of Religious Affairs Husam] Abu Al-Rub called on the international community and the Arab and Islamic nations to work to stop these blows that herald a great danger that will cast its shadow over the entire region.”
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