Israel’s goal is to “to cleanse... Palestine of its native Palestinian owners … the Zionist gangs and Israeli death army have committed 126 massacres… Israel is still continuing the policy of massacre and holocaust”
This article was written following comments by an unnamed senior Israeli political official, who was quoted by the Israeli paper Ma’ariv on Aug. 19, 2019 as saying that Israel is prepared to aid Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in migrating to foreign states that agree to absorb them. The official said: “Israel is even prepared to arrange transport for them, to open one of the airports in the Negev, and to arrange for them shuttles out from there… Attempts have been made with certain states [to convince them to absorb migrants from Gaza], but that did not succeed.” The source stated that 35,000 Palestinians left Gaza in 2018 of their own accord without Israel’s help, and added: “They are being held as hostages in Gaza. Currently states are not raising the humanitarian situation in Gaza.”
Excerpt of an op-ed by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for the official PA daily
Headline: “Israel, Hamas, and the migration of the young people”
“The goal of the Zionist movement and its physical base – the State of Israel – was and still is to cleanse the historical land of Palestine of its native Palestinian owners and residents…
For this purpose, the Zionist gangs and Israeli death army have committed 126 massacres against the Palestinian people…
The Israeli colonialist state is still continuing the policy of massacre and holocaust against the Palestinian people in all parts of historical Palestine without exception…
Just as the Palestinian people has for the last 70 years defeated the Zionist project’s goal – the expulsion of the Palestinians from their lands – it will defeat the joint goal of Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood (i.e., Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood) and will respond to them twofold. This is through the return of the legal rule to the Southern Districts (i.e., the Gaza Strip) and the return of the national unity soon.”