Abbas on Israeli tax cuts due to terror salaries: “We will in no way agree to accept money that is cut even slightly”
Video posted on the official PA TV Facebook page, speech by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the PA government
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “First, what happened again is a financial crisis created by the government of Israel, which decided to deduct the money of the Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded (referring to the Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law to deduct terror salaries; see note below –Ed.). Naturally, our position was and will remain clear in that we will in no way agree to accept money that is cut even slightly, and especially the Martyrs’ money and additional money between us and [Israel]. In other words, there are bills between us that are connected to electricity, water, and the like – that are connected to services provided to Gaza. Israel deducts this money, deducts or steals with no dialogue, knowing that there are official agreements, and mainly the Paris Agreement (see note below –Ed.), and that every penny that is deducted or paid must be agreed on by professional teams, economic teams, and such, in order to discuss every clause and even to agree or not agree about it. Of course the present circumstances have led us to not being able to pay salaries in full, and Allah willing, our people [will have] to bear this a bit and be a bit patient…"