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PLO official meets with North Korean ambassador, who “expressed his state's support for the Palestinian people”

Headline: "Abd Al-Hadi discusses the latest developments in the Palestinian cause with the North Korean ambassador"

"Director-General of the PLO Political Bureau Ambassador Anwar Abd Al-Hadi discussed the present situation, the latest political developments in Palestine, and the occupation authority's strikes against our people with North Korean Ambassador Mun Jong-Nam in the North Korean embassy in Damascus…

Abd Al-Hadi pointed out the need to coordinate positions with the friendly states during the current session of the UN General Assembly, in order to impose sanctions on Israel for its violations of international law and its settlement and criminal activity against the Palestinian people.

The [North] Korean ambassador expressed his state's support for the Palestinian people and the establishment of a Palestinian state whose capital is East Jerusalem. He said: 'Our people is always with the Palestinian people. The progressive states will continue to stand with the Palestinian positions.'"

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