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Abbas: “We are ready for a dialogue” with Israel on prisoner salary issue, but will not accept deductions

Official PA TV News, on US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan, the Bahrain workshop, and the terrorists’ salaries

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “Regarding the Manama workshop (refers to US-led conference in Bahrain in late June 2019 focusing on economic aspects of US President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan –Ed.), we have also said that we will not be present at this workshop and the reason is that it is not possible to examine the economic situation before there will be [an examination of] the political situation there. As long as there is no [reference to the] political situation, we will not relate to any economic situation.

Regarding our money in Israel, we have said that we will not accept this money if [part of] it is deducted (refers to PA response to Israeli Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law to deduct terrorist salaries; see note below –Ed.). In other words, Israel must pay the money in full, and if there is any disagreement we are willing to discuss it afterwards. However, the fact that [Israel] is deducting some of the money on the pretext that we are paying Martyrs’ [families], prisoners, or wounded – this is something we will not accept. We are ready for a dialogue with them on all of the matters related to us and to them, the economic and financial matters.”

Israel's Anti "Pay-for-Slay" Law

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