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Bodies of terrorist stabber “Martyrs” to be released to their families

Headline: “[PA General Authority] of Civil Affairs: The occupation will hand over the bodies of Martyrs Abu Rumi and Younes tomorrow”

“The [PA] General Authority of Civil Affairs announced that tomorrow (Friday) [Sept. 20, 2019] the Israeli occupation authorities will hand over the bodies of Martyrs Nassim Abu Roumi (i.e., terrorist, stabbed and wounded 1 together with an accomplice) from Al-Eizariya and Omar Younes (i.e., terrorist, attempted to stab 1) from Saniria in the Qalqilya district, which they are holding.

It should be noted that the child Abu Roumi (14) died as a Martyr in mid-August [2019], after the occupation forces shot him next to the Chain Gate, one of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque’s gates.

Young Younes (20) died as a Martyr on July 27 [2019] at the Israeli Beilinson Hospital, a week after he was wounded at the Za’atara checkpoint, south of Nablus.”

Nassim Abu Roumi and Hamouda Al-Sheikh

Omar Younes

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