Fatah official in Lebanon: US “is targeting the Palestinian cause and the refugees’ cause,” right of return is sacred
Headline: "Beirut: A mass public sit-in strike as a sign of support for UNRWA and rejection of the American policy"
"Yesterday, Friday [Sept. 27, 2019], our people in Lebanon held a mass sit-in strike before the main headquarters of the UNRWA agency (UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) in Beirut as a sign of support for the international organization and its continued activity, and refusal of the American policy that is targeting the Palestinian cause and the refugees’ cause.
Secretary of the Fatah Movement and PLO Factions [in Lebanon] Fathi Abu Al-Ardat participated in the sit-in strike, for which the Department for Refugee Affairs and the Palestinian popular committees in Lebanon had called…
Abu Al-Ardat emphasized in his speech that the Palestinian factions and all of the bodies and national popular committees stand alongside the Palestinian leadership in its struggle to achieve the Palestinian people’s rights, and said that the right of return and the right to establish a Palestinian state are sacred rights that nobody can renounce."