Head of prisoners’ club rejects EU proposal to replace prisoners’ salaries with social aid
Headline: “Fares: Any proposal that harms the rights of the prisoners’ families is unacceptable”
“Chairman of the [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club Qadura Fares said in a press release today (Thursday) [May 2, 2019] that any proposal that harms the rights of the prisoners’ families and Palestinian law is unacceptable (refers to EU proposal to reorganize the PA’s terrorist salaries as welfare payments; see note below –Ed.), and this is due to the great uniqueness of their cause in the Palestinian people’s soul and awareness.
Following information about the existence of European proposals regarding the allowances of the prisoners’ families, Fares added that the bodies that are making the proposals need to do what is required of them and press Israel to cease the incessant theft of our people’s money (refers to Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law to deduct terrorist salaries; see note below –Ed.), stop the pressure that they are exerting on the Palestinians, and cease every attempt to harm the spirit of Palestinian law.
He emphasized that any concessions that are liable to harm the status of the law are unacceptable, particularly because this status has a greater significance than material value; this is a value that concerns the significance and legitimacy of the Palestinian struggle against the occupation. Fares emphasized that Palestinian law must be defended against any external intervention.”