Educational camps named after terrorist Abu Jihad
“Two camps named for Shahid Khalil Al-Wazir, Abu Jihad, were concluded yesterday at the Security Academy in Jericho.
One hundred and seventy male and female participants took part in the two camps, which were organized by the [Fatah] high school Shabiba [youth movement] committee, in cooperation with the National Institute for Educational Personnel Training [belonging to] the Mobilization and Organization [Commission], and the Shahid Farahat Hashad high school in Jenin, in cooperation with the Wadi Barkin branch of Fatah, on the Academy's premises. [Rank] Osama Sobh, deputy director of the Academy's department for student affairs, called upon the [camp] graduates to exert efforts to energize the Fatah movement."
One hundred and seventy male and female participants took part in the two camps, which were organized by the [Fatah] high school Shabiba [youth movement] committee, in cooperation with the National Institute for Educational Personnel Training [belonging to] the Mobilization and Organization [Commission], and the Shahid Farahat Hashad high school in Jenin, in cooperation with the Wadi Barkin branch of Fatah, on the Academy's premises. [Rank] Osama Sobh, deputy director of the Academy's department for student affairs, called upon the [camp] graduates to exert efforts to energize the Fatah movement."