Fatah official: Al-Aqsa Mosque “is under a real threat and exposed to Israeli attempts to destroy it and establish what is called “the Temple” in its place”
Headline: “A new clause will be raised before the international Inter-Parliamentary Union to provide protection for our people”
“The Arab group and the Islamic group in the international Inter-Parliamentary Union agreed to propose a clause that calls to provide protection for the Palestinian people, and to oppose recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan…
The two groups decided in two separate meetings that they held yesterday [April 6, 2019] and two days ago in Doha on the sidelines of the international Inter-Parliamentary Union general assembly discussions… to meet with representatives of the African group in order to urge them to support this new and common clause…
The Palestinian National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO) delegation led by [PLO Executive Committee member and Fatah Central Committee member] Azzam Al-Ahmad participated in the two meetings…
During the two meetings Al-Ahmad emphasized: ‘The title of the new clause that was agreed upon covers all of the topics, whether Palestine, the Golan, or even strengthening the values of coexistence among the peoples and religions of the world and the war against racism. When we talk about Palestine, we are talking about all of [its] sites that are holy to Islam and Christianity, which are important to the world, and primarily the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is under a real threat and exposed to Israeli attempts to destroy it and establish what is called “the Temple” in its place.’”
Azzam Al-Ahmad also holds the following positions: head of the PLO Department of Arab and Parliamentary Affairs, Fatah Commissioner of National Relations (i.e., between Hamas and Fatah), and Fatah Commissioner for Relations with Lebanon.