Abbas on PA elections: "We will not agree that the residents of Jerusalem vote elsewhere than Jerusalem"
Official PA TV, broadcast of speech by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the opening of the international conference on corruption organized by the PA
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "From a political perspective, the most important issue we are dealing with at this time is the elections for the [PA] Parliament (Legislative Council) and the [PA] presidency, which we announced at the UN that we are moving towards them. Indeed, we have begun to make efforts with the Palestinian organizations – the election committee led by Hanna Nasser has begun to work with the organizations. Yesterday (Sunday) [Dec. 8, 2019] we were told that all the organizations agree to elections, and this is a [good] step. One step remains: the issue of Jerusalem. In 1996 and 2006 we held elections for the residents of Jerusalem in Jerusalem, and we will not agree that the residents of Jerusalem vote elsewhere than Jerusalem. And this is the difficult problem facing us."