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PA TV explains how Fatah started its support for prisoners and Martyrs program

Official PA TV filler The Revolution Lexicon

Official PA TV host: “The Association to Care for the Families of Palestine’s Jihad Fighters and Martyrs (Shahids).

The Association to Care for the Families of Palestine’s Jihad Fighters and Martyrs was established by [former PLO Chairman and PA] President Martyr Yasser Arafat, and this was when he received a large amount of money amounting to £15,000 in March 1965 – in other words, three months after the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution (refers to “the Launch” of Fatah with its first failed terror attack against Israel; see note below –Ed.) – as a financial grant to aid the Palestinian revolution and the Fatah Movement, whose budget amounted to just £300 at the time.

About this, [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas tells that an acquaintance of his, an Egyptian citizen named Izz Al-Din Ibrahim, asked him one day that March if he had any connection to the self-sacrificing operations that the Arab world and the [entire] world were dealing with at the time. After confirming President Mahmoud Abbas’ connection [to them], he said to him: ‘I asked you in order to help you.’ Mahmoud Abbas adds: ‘The man traveled to Morocco and met there with Secretary-General of the Algerian [National] Liberation Front and Director of the Nusrat Al-Jaza'ir Association Mohamed Khider. The Algerian revolution succeeded and the treasury of the [Algerian] revolution remained in Mohamed Khider’s hands. Izz Al-Din Ibrahim asked him for financial aid for the Palestinian revolution, and he immediately agreed. Izz Al-Din Ibrahim returned with the amount and asked Mahmoud Abbas: ‘Who should I give the money to?’ [Mahmoud Abbas] answered him: ‘To Yasser Arafat,’ and this is what he did. Mahmoud Abbas added that Yasser Arafat did not believe it when he heard the amount, and immediately ordered to establish the Association [to Care for] the Families of Palestine’s Jihad Fighters and Martyrs. [Arafat] said: ‘We have Martyrs and prisoners, and we want to guarantee their families a dignified life.’ In practice, the association’s activity began after 1967.”

Yasser Arafat



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