PA TV: Al-Aqsa Mosque is being attacked
Official PA TV News, report on Israel demolishing illegal Arab buildings in Jerusalem, hosting Director of the Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights Ziyad Al-Hammouri
Director of the Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights Ziyad Al-Hammouri: “In the report that was broadcast now… [one] matter is the attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and there are great preparations for this, clearly these are beginnings. Official Israeli sources announced some time ago that there may be an incident with an airplane that will destroy [it] and so on (sic., PMW found no such statements, see note below –Ed.). Clearly there is training here, aside from the other issues and other assaults.”
Regarding the claims that official Israeli sources spoke about an airplane destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque, PMW found no such statements. The claim apparently refers to a report on official PA TV just prior to the interview, in which it was claimed that Israel sent three hang-gliders over the Temple Mount to land in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City in order to cause a provocation. The PA TV report included footage apparently shot from the Temple Mount showing two hang-gliders in the air over Jerusalem.