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PLO to Hezbollah: USA & Israel ending Palestinian national enterprise

Headline: “Al-Ahmad met with the Hezbollah deputy secretary-general and the Democratic Front [for the Liberation of Palestine] deputy secretary-general”

“PLO Executive Committee member and Fatah Movement Central Committee member Azzam Al-Ahmad discussed with Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Na’im Qassem the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, and the continuation of the Israeli attacks on our people and its Islamic and Christian holy sites, particularly in Jerusalem.

Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Lebanon Ashraf Dabbour was present at the meeting…

The two sides emphasized that it is necessary to block the American-Israeli attempts to put an end to the Palestinian national enterprise, [which works to achieve] freedom, return, and independence.

They also emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the Palestinian principles and the Palestinian refugees’ rights according to the decisions of the international institutions, and particularly [UN] Resolution 194, and also to protect the role that is being fulfilled by UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), which is taking care of the Palestinian refugees politically and socially until their return to their homeland.”

Azzam Al-Ahmad also holds the following positions: Head of the PLO Department of Arab and Parliamentary Affairs, Fatah Commissioner of National Relations, and Fatah Commissioner for Relations with Lebanon.

UN Resolution 194

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