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PA condemns Israel's seizure of "Pay-for-Slay" funds from Israeli Arab terrorists, repeats lie that rewards are welfare

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.  |

The reaction of the Palestinian Authority to the order of Israel’s Minister of Defense Naftali Bennett to seize the monies paid by the PA in salaries to Israeli Arab terrorist prisoners highlighted the false nature of the PA’s claims regarding its “Pay-for-Slay” policy. The decision of Minister Bennett to seize the funds followed the recommendation of Palestinian Media Watch days prior.

Condemning the order of Israel’s Minster of Defense to seize funds paid by the PA to eight Israeli Arab terrorists,  Director of the Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners' Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr said that the “decision is blatant robbery and open theft” and repeated the claim that the salaries are welfare for the families. He also promised to continue paying the terrorists their monthly salaries: 

“The salaries that the commission is paying the prisoners, independent of their place of residence, are allowances that provide their families with a living, a place to live, health, education, and so on, and we will not relinquish this obligation regardless of the extremist Israeli ways of thwarting them [the allowances], seizing them, or stealing them like highway robbers.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 26, 2019]

The PA wants Israel to stand idly by and permit the PA to pay financial rewards to Israeli Arab terrorist prisoners who murdered other Israelis or otherwise participated in terrorism against Israel, and all under the pretext that the payments “provide their families with a living, a place to live, health, education, and so on.”

Needless to say, the PA’s claim is manifestly false as the payments of monthly salaries to the Israeli Arab terrorist prisoners fulfil none of the argued goals.

Firstly, the salaries are paid simply because the terrorists are in prison for what the PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners euphemistically refers to as “struggling against the occupation.” This definition includes the entire spectrum of Palestinian terrorists, including those charged and convicted with mere membership in terrorist organizations to those convicted of mass murders. A wealthy terrorist receives the same payment as a destitute terrorist. There are no needs-based requirements such as the family of the terrorist being homeless or not being able to make ends meet. Moreover, unmarried terrorists with no families to support receive the same base salary as do married terrorists, only these receive an insignificant supplement per spouse and child.

Secondly, because the terrorists are Israeli Arabs, their children (if they have any) are covered by the Israeli health system and can attend Israeli schools.

Thirdly, when proven necessary and if they meet the income standards set by Israeli law, the families of Israeli Arab terrorists are even entitled to Israeli social welfare payments.

In truth, as PMW has already demonstrated, despite the claims of the PA, the “Pay-for-Slay” payments have nothing whatsoever to do with welfare.  

The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above:

Headline: “A new theft: The occupation has seized the money of eight prisoners from the 1948 territories”

“Israeli Army Minister (sic., Minister of Defense) Naftali Bennett yesterday, Wednesday [Dec. 25, 2019], signed an order seizing the money of the families of eight prisoners from the 1948 territories (i.e., Israel), claiming that they are monthly salaries (rawatib) they received from the PA.

Bennett took pride in his decision to steal the prisoners’ money, and claimed that ‘This is the first step that Israel is carrying out directly’ against the prisoners who receive monthly salaries from the PA, claiming that the salaries ‘encourage’ carrying out operations (i.e., terror attacks). He also threatened to seize the money of additional prisoners in the future.

The prisoners who were included in the money seizure order: Muwaffaq Naif Hassan Uruq (i.e., terrorist, led two suicide bombers who murdered 23), Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Bakri, Yassin Hassan Saleh Al-Bakri (i.e., terrorist brothers, aided suicide bomber who murdered 9), Hikmat Fahim Mustafa Na’amneh (i.e., involved in funding illegal organizations assaulting and intimidating Jews on the Temple Mount), Muhammad Sa’id Tawfiq Jabarin (i.e., terrorist involved in the Night of the Pitchforks, 3 murdered), Walid Daqqa (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of 1), Samir Saleh Taha Sarsawi (i.e., terrorist, threw a hand grenade), and Mujahid Muhammad Yusuf Dhouqan (i.e., attempted to bomb an Israeli rail line near Netanya in cooperation with Fatah terrorists).

In response to the decision, Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners' Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr said that the decision is blatant robbery and open theft of the rights of the prisoners’ families.

He added that the salaries that the commission is paying the prisoners, independent of their place of residence, are allowances that provide their families with a living, a place to live, health, education, and so on, and we will not relinquish this obligation regardless of the extremist Israeli ways of thwarting them [the allowances], seizing them, or stealing them like highway robbers.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 26, 2019]

Muwaffaq Naif Hassan Uruq

Ibrahim Al-Bakri

The Night of the Pitchforks

Walid Daqqa

Samir Sarsawi

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