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Fatah threatens burning of Jewish towns

Itamar Marcus  |

  • "With cleavers and knives, with grenades we announced a popular war"
  • "I swear, you won't escape, my enemy"
  • "We will light a fire under your feet! … We will cause volcanoes to erupt under your feet!"
  • "Fatah of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades will return to be as it was!"
  • All at event attended by Abbas' deputy Mahmoud Al-Aloul

The repeating theme of Fatah’s numerous public events this year commemorating its first terror attack against Israel on January 1, 1965, and marking Fatah’s anniversary, was that Fatah was the first to use terror and that Fatah has not stopped and will not stop using terror.

At one event, Fatah built a model of a Jewish town, poured gasoline over it, and set it on fire to the cheers of the crowd. While the model was burning, a song was played promising that Fatah’s terror will continue:

"I'm coming towards you, my enemy, 
from every house, neighborhood and street
Our war is a war of the streets.
I'm coming towards you, my enemy
We're going down from every house with cleavers and knives
With grenades we announced a popular war
I swear, you won't escape, my enemy, from the revolution and the people.

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Facebook page of Fatah – Nablus Branch, Jan. 6, 2020]

Moments before, Abbas’ deputy chairman of Fatah, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, spoke glorifying past Fatah terror and promising to continue terror. “Fatah was the first bullet” he shouted to the crowd of cheering Palestinians, and then added “and it remains like that, and continues – without a doubt.” He then glorifed by name specific terrorists who murdered dozens of Israelis as well as specific terror attacks in which dozens were murdered:

Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul: "Fifty-five years in which there have been battles, 55 years in which there was Dalal [Mughrabi] ((i.e., hijacked a civilian bus on Israel's coast), who established the Republic of Palestine on the coast, 55 years in which there was the coastal battle (i.e., murder 37), 55 years in which there were the people's intifadas, when Fatah was the first bullet and the first stone – and it remains like that, and continues – without a doubt! … Our land is ours. We are holding onto it, and we are determined to liberate it – without a doubt… Do you know what the heavy price is that we are paying for freedom and independence? Rivers of blood. Blessings to the Martyrs! And great suffering by the prisoners, who are almost 40 years within the prison cells. Blessings to all of them! To my brother Marwan [Barghouti] (i.e., terrorist, planned attacks murdering 5), to my brother Karim [Younes] (i.e., terrorist, murdered 1), to my brother [Fuad] Al-Shubaki (i.e., terrorist, attempted to smuggle 50 tons of terror weapons), to Ahmad Sa’adat (i.e., terrorist, head of PFLP terrorist organization), to all of these fighters!”

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Facebook page of Fatah – Nablus Branch, Jan. 7, 2020]

Another speaker at the Fatah event likewise promised continued terror, saying “our hand still holds the weapon… We will light a fire under your feet”:

"Fatah is a revolutionary people. It set out on the path 55 years ago, and our hand still holds the weapon, we are still involved in resistance…Our hand is still outstretched in peace, but it won’t remain outstretched forever…We will light a fire under your feet! … We will cause volcanoes to erupt under your feet!"

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Facebook page of Fatah – Nablus Branch, Jan. 6, 2020]

At another Fatah anniversary event, Al-Aloul – standing next to Abbas - also stressed his and Fatah’s reverence for Palestinian murderers and terrorists: 

Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul: "How great is the suffering and pain of the prisoners who are dear to our hearts, who have sacrificed their freedom. We send regards to all of them – Marwan [Barghouti], Karim [Younes], [Fuad] Al-Shubaki, Ahmad Sa'adat, and all of these wonderful fighters of whom we are proud."

[Official PA TV, Dec. 31, 2019]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented many times that Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah has made it clear that it has not stopped using terror – “the armed resistance” - against Israel.

PMW first exposed this song promising gruesome murder with “cleavers and knives” when Fatah posted it on Facebook in November 2014, right after Palestinian terrorists slaughtered five worshippers in a synagogue with knives and axes. 

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Dalal Mughrabi

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Marwan Barghouti

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