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PLO official glorifies families of prisoners “who have sacrificed their sons for the homeland”

Headline: “The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs condemned the fact that anonymous people burned the car of the wife of prisoner Muhammad Abu Rabia in Tulkarem”

“Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners' Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr condemned the fact that anonymous terrorists burned the car of the wife of prisoner Muhammad Naifeh ‘Abu Rabia’ (i.e., terrorist, involved in the murder of 10) in front of their home two nights ago in the Shweikeh neighborhood in the Tulkarem district.

Abu Bakr described this act as barbaric, cowardly, and consistent with the occupation’s agenda, and demanded that the Palestinian [PA] Security Forces must pursue and catch them, come out against suspicious incidents of this type, and embrace and defend the families of the prisoners who have sacrificed their sons for the homeland and its freedom.

Muhammad Naifeh ‘Abu Rabia’



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