Football tournament named after terrorist Abu Jihad, team named after terrorist Tareq Al-Qato
Headline: "Shahid Tareq Al-Qato team wins the Shahids and Prisoners' football tournament title"
"Shahid Tareq Al-Qato [team] seized the Shahids and Prisoners and Shahid Abu Jihad tournament trophy, while the Shahid Ayman Al-Jallad team attained second place. This was within the framework of the tournament games held by the Fatah Palestinian National Liberation movement on the playing fields of the Irtah high school, commemorating the memory of the heroic Shahids and the Shahid commander, Abu Jihad…. Eighteen youth teams from throughout the [Tulkarem] district participated in the tournament. All of the teams were named after Shahids."
"Shahid Tareq Al-Qato [team] seized the Shahids and Prisoners and Shahid Abu Jihad tournament trophy, while the Shahid Ayman Al-Jallad team attained second place. This was within the framework of the tournament games held by the Fatah Palestinian National Liberation movement on the playing fields of the Irtah high school, commemorating the memory of the heroic Shahids and the Shahid commander, Abu Jihad…. Eighteen youth teams from throughout the [Tulkarem] district participated in the tournament. All of the teams were named after Shahids."