PLO honors family of prisoner with honorary degree, over 900 prisoners joined program granting them university degrees
Headline: “The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs and Al-Quds Open University honored the family of Martyr Abu Diak”
“The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs and Al-Quds Open University yesterday [Jan. 8, 2020] honoredthe family of Martyr prisoner Sami Abu Diak(i.e., terrorist, murdered 4),one of the students of the study program in the occupation’s prisons that the university is running in cooperation with the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, and this was at the university’s presidential building in Ramallah.
Chairman of the [university’s] Board of Trustees Adnan Samarah, university President Dr. Younes Amr, and Director of Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr presented an honorary bachelor’s degree to the family of Martyr student Sami Ahed Abu Diak as well as an honorary plaque…
University Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Muhammad Shahin said that Al-Quds Open University ‘has been running a program to teach the students in the occupation’s prisons in recent years, which comes as a result of a memorandum of understanding between the [PA] Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs and Al-Quds Open University. Until now, the program has included five prisons and approximately 900 student prisoners have joined it.’
He added: ‘This program is extraordinary and approximately 200 graduates who have received bachelor’s degrees in a number of the specializations that the university offers have come out of it, and the studies are being held at five prisons: Ktzi’ot, Ramon, Gilboa, Nafha, and Shikma.’”