Here's what hate looks like: PA Antisemitism on PA TV
Click to view and hear how the PA disseminates Jew-hatred to adults and children through its official PA TV and Fatah Facebook. Children learn poems of hate and adults are taught Jews endanger humanity and therefore Allah must “kill them one by one - do not leave even one.”
Click to view this taste of PA hate.
Yesterday, eve of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Palestinian Media Watch released a special report on Palestinian Authority Antisemitism, detailing the different components of PA antisemitic ideology:
- The PA teaches that Jews think they are superior to others, but are in fact are inferior.
- The PA teaches that Jews are Satan’s partner spreading evil in the world and that evil is inherent in Jewish genes.
- PA Antisemitism blames Jews for all bad in the world;
- PA conclusion: It is natural that the Jews be hated and in fact, Jews brought Antisemitism on themselves throughout history, including the Holocaust.
- Ultimately, the PA teaches, the killing of Jews is Allah’s will and their extermination is necessary so all of humanity can live in peace.
The following is a compilation of the antisemitic statements in the short video, that were all broadcast on either official PA TV or Fatah’s official Facebook page:
1. Professor of Quranic Studies Imad Hamato, PA TV: "If a fish in the sea fights with another fish, I am sure the Jews are behind it."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Feb. 25, 2016]
2. Girl recites poem, PA TV: "Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, April 7, 2012]
3. Sheikh Osama Al-Tibi, PA TV: "Humanity will never be able to live together with them."[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 14, 2018]
4. Girl recites poem, PA TV: "You have been condemned to humiliation and hardship\Oh Sons of Zion."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 3, 2013]
5. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, PA TV: "The hatred of the Jews is not due to their religion... but due to their social role that was connected to usury, and banks."
[Official PA TV, April 30, 2018]
6. Boy recites poem, PA TV: "Oh most evil among creations\ O barbaric monkeys, wretched pigs."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Sept. 12, 2014]
7. Sheikh Osama Al-Tibi, PA TV: "These malignant [Jewish] genes and cursed characteristics continue in them… They inherit it from father to son."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 14, 2018]
8. PA Shari'ah Judge Muhannad Abu Rumi, PA TV: "There is no global corruption that they are not behind."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Oct. 5, 2018]
9. Boy tells what he was taught in PA school, PA TV: "Fight the Jews, kill them, and defeat them."
[Official PA TV, March 22 and 25, 2015]
10. Sheikh Osama Al-Tibi, PA TV: "These are the Jews… always plotting against humanity..."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 14, 2018]
11. Expert on Israel affairs Faiz Abbas, PA TV: "ISIS took all of its religious ideas from Judaism."
[Official PA TV, March 28, 2017]
12. Dr. Iyad Abu Zneit, Fatah documentary "The Children of Israel," Fatah Facebook: "In Europe, the [Jewish] tribe established… crowded ghettos in order to separate from other people out of arrogance and disgust for non-Jews... Only we [Jews] are people, and all the others are our animals.”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, July 15, 2019]
13. Sheikh Osama Al-Tibi, PA TV: "At the end of time the Muslims will fight the Jews... [Allah] count them and kill them one by one, and do not leave even one."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 14, 2018]
Longer excerpts of the statements of each of these speakers are available as links in this op-ed by PMW’s Itamar Marcus that explains the components of PA Antisemitism, published last week in the Jerusalem Post.