Former PLO official: Prisoners are “fighters and not terrorists and criminals,” Israel is “official organized terror state”
Excerpt of an op-ed by former Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake
Headline: “[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas, you are leading a world power called Palestine”
“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas, you are leading a world power called Palestine, where there are men serving 38 years in the prisons and we have not surrendered. In it there are people with willpower who die of starvation for dignity and freedom and do not surrender to the Israeli bargaining, financial theft, and blackmail; people who shout before the disparagers that they are fighters and not terrorists and criminals, but rather that here in the Middle East region there isan official organized terror state named Israel– a state of political recklessness that produces terror and commits terror, a state of illegal gangs.”