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Abbas expresses "pride" in poetry anthology published by terrorist

Headline: “’Rites of the First Time’ – a poetry anthology by prisoner Bassem Al-Khandaqji”

“The publishing house Arab Scientific Publishers has published the poetry anthology ‘Rites of the First Time’ by prisoner Bassem Al-Khandaqji, a member of the central committee of the Palestinian People’s Party (i.e., a Communist party in the PLO), who was arrested by the Israeli occupation authorities on Nov. 2, 2004, and was given 3 life sentences…

The poetry anthology opens with a message from [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas, in which he expresses his pride and the pride of the PA in the valuable poetry anthology, which in his eyes is full of meaning and noble and honest feelings, expresses the cause of the brave prisoners and their suffering, and confirms the ability of the Palestinian man to contribute and create, despite the difficult conditions – this according to the words of President Abbas.”

Bassem Al-Khandaqji

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