Ashrawi attacks Israeli democracy: "Israeli political system, is based on murder"
- PMW: It was the PA itself that destroyed the left wing in Israel
Senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi is upset with Israeli democracy. The Palestinian leader is unhappy with the results of the election in which the right wing and religious parties achieved 58 seats, the center party 32 seats and the coalition of 3 left wing Zionist parties together only reaching 7 seats in Israel's 120 seat parliament. Ashrawi said this was "a clear expression of the expansion of the culture of hate, racism, and extremism in Israel." She added that "the election results have strengthened the distorted character of the Israeli political system, which is based on murder, escalation, settlements, annexation, and the theft of lands." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 3, 2020]
She also congratulated the Joint Arab List that achieved 15 seats making it the third largest party in Israel's parliament.
What Ashrawi forgot to mention was that it is the Palestinian Authority and Fatah that are directly responsible for the strong right wing showing in these elections. PMW has been alerting the Israeli population for years that the PA rewards terrorist prisoners with high monthly salaries, placed a permanent plaque at the entrance to a school in Bethlehem honoring a 17-year-old girl suicide bomber, names schools and sporting events after terrorists, teaches children that Jews are "barbaric monkeys, wretched pigs", broadcasts sermons anticipating the extermination of Jews and calling on Allah to count the Jews and kill them "one by one, and do not leave even one," and tells its people that coaxing Israel to the 1967 lines in exchange for a peace treaty is a step towards eliminating Israel in stages. By now all Israelis are very aware of PMW’s findings and have concluded that there is no honest Palestinian peace partner. The election results with 90 seats for the right-center parties and 7 for the left wing parties don’t indicate "extremism" in Israel but reflect what Israelis have learned about the PA from the PA itself.
The following is an excerpt from the PA daily article which reported on Ashrawi's statement:
Headline: "Ashrawi in response to the results of the elections in Israel: the fundamentalist Zionist tyranny"
"PLO Executive Committee member [and head of the PLO Department of Diplomacy and Public Opinion] Hanan Ashrawi said that the results of the Israeli elections were a clear expression of the spread of the culture of hate, racism, and extremism in Israel…
In a statement she published yesterday on behalf of the [PLO] Executive Committee, she noted that the extremist rightwing dialogue that has taken over the platforms of most of the Zionist political parties… has become an authority upon which the Israeli voters rely when they elect their representatives.
She emphasized that the election results have strengthened the distorted character of the Israeli political system, which is based on murder, escalation, settlements, annexation, and the theft of lands…
In her statement, Ashrawi congratulated the Joint Arab List on its great progress. She emphasized that the Palestinians in the Interior (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel) will continue to stand firm before this ugly regime and its supporters."[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 3, 2020]