PLO official warns "against the consequences of the incessant Israeli violations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the attempts to divide it"
Headline: “The occupation turns the Gate of Mercy into a military base, arrests three women, and distances worshippers from the Al-Aqsa Mosque”
“PLO Executive Committee member [and Head of the PLO Department of Diplomacy and Public Policy] Hanan Ashrawi said: ‘The Israeli escalation in Jerusalem is a translation into action of America’s illegal and immoral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, of the transfer of its embassy to it, and of its absolute support for [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s extremist government, which is systematically and deliberately striving to drag the region into a religious war.’
In statements that she gave yesterday [Feb. 19, 2019] on behalf of the Executive Committee, she warned against the consequences of the incessant Israeli violations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the attempts to divide it according to times and areas. The latest of these was the closure of its gates yesterday, and particularly the closure of the Gate of Mercy with iron chains (a compound near the Gate of Mercy was closed after the Jordanian Waqf violated a court order by reopening it; see note below –Ed.).”
US recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel
Division according to areas and times