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PA TV: Female terrorists are “glorious” and “sisters” of murderer of 37

Official PA TV program Giants of Endurance, interviews with relatives of female prisoners from the Hebron district

Daughter of female prisoner Safa Abu Sneineh: "First of all I congratulate the program and all of our female prisoners who are fighting within the prisons. I say to you, you are our pride. You are our glory and our honorable women. We must mention you in every prayer and supplication, and in every street we recall your names. You are Palestine's pride, not just a pride to your families."

Official PA TV host: "Well done! That being the case, they are the sisters of Dalal [Mughrabi] (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children). They are the glorious Palestinian women who have written the most impressive entries and characteristics of the Palestinian national struggle."

Dalal Mughrabi

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