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PA daily commemorates false "Jenin massacre," refers to deadly suicide bombing in which 30 were killed as "operation"

Headline: “18 years since the Jenin refugee camp massacre and battle”

“Yesterday, Thursday, April 2 [2020], was the 18th anniversary of the Israeli occupation’s bloody attack against the Jenin refugee camp, which caused the death as Martyrs of approximately 60 civilians, the bombing and destruction of 500 homes and facilities, and the destruction of the refugee camp’s infrastructure and parts of the city of Jenin (sic., refers to a battle initiated by Palestinian terrorists attacking an Israeli counter-terror operation, in which the majority of Palestinian dead were terrorists; see note below)…
The attack against Jenin and its refugee camp came in the framework of a comprehensive operation of invading the West Bank (refers to Israel’s Operation Defensive Shield –Ed.) following the Netanya operation being carried out in the 1948 territories (i.e., Israel, refers to Park Hotel suicide bombing, 30 murdered).
The residents of Jenin and its refugee camp remember the occupation army’s calls through the megaphones that demanded that the resistance fighters hand over their weapons and surrender, but they decided to stand firm and enter the battle with honor despite their limited capabilities.”

Jenin "massacre"

Park Hotel suicide bombing


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