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PLO senior official: Israel is "drectly killing" and carrying out "medical neglect" of prisoners, stealing their money

Headline: “On their [national] day, the prisoners are the beacon of the national struggle and their freedom is a central goal”

“In a statement issued by [PLO] Executive [Committee] member Hanan Ashrawi, the [PLO] Executive Committee called to immediately intervene to pressure Israel and force it to unquestioningly and unconditionally release all of the Palestinian prisoners, particularly in these difficult conditions in which they are facing the danger of the spread of the COVID-19 virus within its prisons.

Ashrawi emphasized that the occupation state’s criminal acts against our prisoners and its ongoing violations of their rights that are anchored in the international laws – which have reached the point ofdirect killing of prisoners and their medical neglect, deducting their salary allowances from the tax money, and exploiting their suffering and turning it into a source for obtaining money (refers to Israel’s Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law to deduct PA terror salaries; see note below –Ed.) – will not pass without a legal and political accounting in the international courts and circles.”

Israel's Anti "Pay-for-Slay" Law

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