Bethlehem Governor: Israel "responsible for the lives of the prisoners who are suffering from the policy of medical neglect, especially in light of the Coronavirus epidemic"
Headline: "Hamid: The prisoners' cause will remain the top national priority at all levels"
"Bethlehem District Governor Kamel Hamid blessed the prisoners' resolve and their sacrifices. He emphasized thatmasses of our people and its leadership – in all of its factions – will remain loyal to the prisoners and their cause…
Hamid said yesterday [April 19, 2020] in a statement to the press thatthe prisoners' cause was, still is, and will remain the top national priority…
Hamid considered the occupation fully responsible for the lives of the prisoners who are suffering from the policy of medical neglect, especially in light of the Coronavirus epidemic, as according to the reports the occupation authorities are not providing any equipment in order to protect them from the virus, but rather the opposite – the occupation authorities have removed a number of cleaning materials from the canteen that could help the prisoners protect themselves. He added that this indicates malicious intent to harm the prisoners."