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Fatah cartoon shows masked rioter throwing Molotov cocktail protesting against Trump peace plan

Cartoon published on Falestinona, the website of Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission in Lebanon

The cartoon shows a masked rioter with a keffiyeh (Arab headdress) covering his head throwing a lit Molotov cocktail. On his shirt is the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas covered with the colors of the Palestinian flag. The rioter is standing on a stack of papers apparently meant to represent US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan, and in the background is the skyline of the Old City of Jerusalem including the Dome of the Rock.

Text in background of cartoon: “Down with the deal of the century (i.e., refers to Trump’s Middle East peace plan; see note below)”

Text at bottom of cartoon in Arabic: “The deal of the century will not pass”

Text at bottom of cartoon in Hebrew: “The deal will not pass”

The Trump peace plan

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