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Two murderers are “heroic” says Fatah official

Fatah Secretary in Qatanna Ammar Al-Souri: "Today we are with the family of the two heroic prisoners: Prisoner Muhammad Yusuf Shamasneh – 4 life sentences and 20 years – and heroic prisoner Abd Al-Jawad Yusuf Shamasneh – 4 life sentences and 20 years (i.e., terrorists, murdered 3) …"

Father of murderers Muhammad and Abd Al-Jawad Yusuf Shamasneh: "Everyone - Everyone - like they did and others did - should sacrifice and stand up for the sake of Palestine and the homeland… When we hold a wedding or any kind of joyful event, their pictures are at the celebrations... Take care of yourselves... to the lions who fought for the homeland."

Muhammad Yusuf Shamasneh and Abd Al-Jawad Yusuf Shamasneh

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