Palestinian mother: “I’m prepared to give more Martyrs for the homeland… My son’s blood is not a waste”
Mother of Zaid Al-Qaysiya: "Your Honor President [Abbas]."
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “Greetings, may Allah grant you endurance-”
Mother: May Allah grant you happiness and success. My son is a sacrifice for the sake of the homeland. A sacrifice for the sake of the entire people. The son of all Palestine. Praise Allah, he is not only my son. He is your son, the son of Palestine, and the son of the entire people."
Mahmoud Abbas: He is our son, all of ours. Our children – all are for the sake of Allah and for the sake of-"
Mother: "Praise Allah Master of the Universe. I’m proud, proud of the entire people – I’m proud of it, and of the sons of Palestine, the young people of Palestine... I’m prepared to sacrifice even more. I’m prepared to give more Martyrs for the homeland."
Fatah Movement Southern Hebron Branch Secretary Iyad Rayyan: “May Allah grant you more.”
Mother: "Praise Allah. It’s not a waste. My son’s blood is not a waste for the homeland."
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[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas calls to console the mother of Martyr Zaid Al-Qaysiya”