Fatah Lebanon, vows violence and terror against Peace Plan
“The Fatah Movement leadership in Lebanon again emphasized its full support for the historical decisions announced by [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas…
Fatah emphasized that the brave decisions to be released from all the agreements that have been signed with the occupation state and the US obligate our people with all its groups and all the Palestinian forces and factions to take part in the struggle against the Israeli plans… to annex the settlements and parts of the occupied West Bank…
Fatah called on our people and all the forces and factions to unite around our legal leadership’s decisions at this important and critical stage of struggle in the history of our cause through popular resistance in all its forms (i.e., term used by Palestinians, which also refers to the use of violence and terror) in order to thwart the deal of the century (i.e., refers to US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan).”
"All means" Peaceful\popular uprising/resistanceThe Trump peace plan