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Israel committed premeditated "barbaric massacre" in Gaza flotilla confrontation

"Another barbaric Israeli massacre, bringing shame upon humanity and the civilized world. There is no room to cover up the Israeli savagery with any sort of sieve, because the sun of truth is in the middle of the sky, clear and open. The Israeli navy and air force carried out a massacre against humanity in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, in international waters. With premeditation and without advance warning, the Israeli commando forces fired live bullets and hand-grenades at solidarity activists from around the world, who came on the Freedom Flotilla in order to remove the oppressive siege from the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip… Israel's barbaric crime sheds more and more light on the issue of the oppressive siege on the Strip. All of its leaders' lies will not be able to sidestep the matter of the siege and peace, if the world seeks to protect humanity – and not just the region – from the excessive Israeli fascism, because the distortion in the Zionist narrative has reached its limit and no longer works on anyone."

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