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Fatah: We’ll redeem the land with spirit and blood

Lyrics: “Woe to you who intends to annex my land…
The day you extend your hand, we’ll cut it off
We’ll redeem the land with spirit and blood…
We are the owners here
And fire will be answered with fire
We are the owners here
And fire will be answered with fire…
If one shot comes out of here, I will return 100
O [PA Chairman] Mahmoud Abbas, we’ll follow you on the path…
By Allah, if we ignite a war - volcanoes, rage, and storm
O Zionist, prepare to suffer the response
We’ll make your men tremble
O Zionist, prepare to suffer the response
We’ll make your men tremble
We’ll sacrifice our souls, we don't care…

We’ll make you return defeated
In a defeat that you’ll remember your whole life

Our land is more precious than life
If you attack it, the Day of Judgement will come…
Listen, stinky (i.e., Israeli PM Netanyahu) and Trump…
Whoever approaches my land
We’ll obliterate him before he has time to regret

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Created by the Fatah Movement Commission of Information and Culture”

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