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One day of Hamas TV hate and terror messages:

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

  • Hamas MP: “Death to Israel,” “sons of Zion” and “whoever normalizes with Israel” should burn

  • Hamas threatens Israel: “Our hands are squeezing the trigger… [our] heroic men… will sacrifice their blood”

  • Jews dirty the Al-Aqsa compound, site must be cleansed, Jews no right to the Temple Mount

  • “Resistance” – i.e., violence and terror – will free the prisoners, not “the UN Security Council” nor “Negotiations”

  • Only bullets will free the Palestinian prisoners

  • Hamas glorifies murderers, encourages terror and kidnappings

After weeks of Hamas launching incendiary devices and rockets into Israel, creating extensive fires in nature reserves and agricultural areas, a cease-fire was reached last week after Qatari Envoy Muhammad Al-Emadi with his 30 million dollar aid promised to continue Qatar’s monthly aid through the end of the year. It would be naïve to think that this cease fire signals a fundamental change in Hamas policy.

Palestinian Media Watch looked into one day of Hamas TV broadcasts on Aug. 23, 2020 - two days before Israel let the Qatari Envoy and his money into the Strip. Hamas’ broadcasts demonstrate the depths of hate Hamas disseminates against Israel and Jews alongside its pro-terror and murder messages.

The following anti-Israel, anti-Jews, and pro-terror messages were all part of Hamas’ broadcasts on that one day:

  • Hamas MP: “Death to Israel,” “sons of Zion” and “whoever normalizes with Israel” should burn

During a session in the Hamas PA Parliament, MP Ismail Ashqar read a statement calling for “death to Israel.” On the backdrop of the commemoration of the arson at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969, Ashqar called for “burning” the “sons of Zion” and anyone who “normalizes relations” with Israel in a clear reference to the UAE’s recent peace agreement with Israel. He also criticized the PA for its security coordination with Israel, wishing it would burn too:

Hamas PA Parliament Member Ismail Ashqar: “The fire [in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969] is still burning and still has not been extinguished since its occupation by the Zionist terror. Because the Muslims are distracted from it, and they are in a deep slumber … The arson in Jerusalem demands a greater arson that will burn its thieves, burn the attacking sons of Zion, burn the lowly Arabs and non-Arabs, burn those (i.e., the PA) who are carrying out security coordination [with Israel] and those dealing in [Jerusalem’s] sanctity, and burn whoever normalizes their relations (i.e., UAE) and flatters the occupation. Long live Jerusalem, free and proud! … ! Long live Palestine, free and eternal; and death to Israel, the occupation, and the Zionist terror!”

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Aug. 23, 2020]

  • Hamas threatens Israel: “Our hands are squeezing the trigger… [our] heroic men… will sacrifice their blood”

Footage of masked Hamas terrorists with assault rifles was mixed in a TV filler with part of a speech by Hamas official Khalil Al-Hayya who threatened Israel with terror:

Hamas Political Bureau member Khalil Al-Hayya: “We are saying to the occupation that we are primed and ready, and our hands are squeezing the trigger. We’re not afraid of threats or hints about an attack here or killings or bombings. Know that bombings will be answered with bombings. Rockets will be answered with rockets. Casualties will be answered with casualties! Palestine – its people lives! And it has fortunate heroic men. They will sacrifice their blood and all that is precious to them in defense of their land, defense of their Jerusalem, defense of their heritage, and defense of their present and future!”

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Aug. 23, 2020]

  • Hamas glorifies murderers, encourages terror and kidnappings

In another filler and song broadcast on the same day, Hamas glorified past terror attacks in which Israeli soldiers were murdered, and Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was kidnapped. Hamas also boasted of its holding of two Israeli captives, Avraham Mengistu and Hisham Al-Sayed who both suffer from a mental health disorder, and its holding of the bodies of two dead soldiers, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul, who were killed during the 2014 Gaza War. Addressing imprisoned Palestinian terrorists, Hamas encouraged more terror and promised more kidnappings for trading more prisoners in exchange deals. The filler also glorified Ahlam Tamimi – the female terrorist who chose the Sbarro pizza shop in Jerusalem as target for a bombing in 2001 and led the suicide bomber there who murdered 15 and wounded over 100. Tamimi was released in 2011 as part of the Gilad Shalit exchange deal and Hamas is using her release to encourage imprisoned female terrorists and other potential terrorists, telling them that prison sentences should not deter them because they don’t last:

“By Allah, if the blood turns into rivers, their prisons will not remain but will be destroyed.
The mind is not at peace – not by night nor by day – until he [the prisoner] will return to the home of the precious ones…
We trampled them at Nahal Oz (i.e., killed five Israeli soldiers) – we came to trample the prison guards…
The blow to you will not last, the prison guard’s head is submissive – through [Israeli soldier Gilad] Shalit and several [like Israeli soldier Oron] Shaul.
Day and night we are preparing tunnels…
We came from below, from the land, from the air…
Our free women will not be deprived, they will not remain among the oppressors – ask Ahlam Tamimi (i.e., terrorist, involved in planning of 15).
We will never forget the Martyr prisoners who were led as grooms to Heaven …
[Yahya] Al-Sinwar (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of 2) has emerged from your prison,
He will complete the path with determination and will prepare a [prisoner exchange] deal of free people…
His weapon will shake the ground.”

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Aug. 23, 2020]

  • Jews dirty the Al-Aqsa compound, site must be cleansed, Jews no right to the Temple Mount

In an animated cartoon Hamas explained to viewers that the presence of Jews on the Temple Mount is dirtying the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and that the site will be cleansed of all Jews, as they will be swept away:

Text on screen: “The dust of time will not last”

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Aug. 23, 2020]

The filler was produced by the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing.

  • “Resistance” – i.e., violence and terror – will free the prisoners, not “the UN Security Council” nor “Negotiations”

Another animation showed the hand of someone attempting to open a prison cell door with various keys. The first key labeled “[UN] Security Council” can’t open the door, and neither can the second key labeled “negotiations.” Then a hand of a Hamas fighter with a black sleeve and black fingerless tactical gloves with a key labeled “resistance” succeeds in opening the door and freeing the prisoner inside. As the prisoner and the Hamas fighter walk towards the prison exit, pictures of various imprisoned terrorist murderers appear on the screen is if they are being released from prison: Abdallah Barghouti (built bombs that murdered 67), Abbas Al-Sayid (planned suicide bombings murdering 35), Marwan Barghouti planned murders of at least 5), Ahmad Sa'adat (head of PFLP terror organization), and Karim Younes (murdered Israeli soldier). [Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Aug. 23, 2020

  • Only bullets will free the Palestinian prisoners

The message that only violence and terror will free Palestinian prisoners also appeared in another filler between programs. A Hamas fighter loads bullets into an ammunition magazine and shoots at a hand with an Israeli flag. The Israeli hand is squeezing a white dove symbolizing the “peace seeking” Palestinian prisoners – i.e., imprisoned terrorists. As the Hamas fighter shoots the Israeli, the dove is set free.

Text on screen: “Our prisoners, your images have never disappeared from our eyes”

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Aug. 23, 2020]

The filler was produced by the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing.

Michael Rohan

Israel-UAE peace agreement (Abraham Accords)

Gaza War 2014 / Operation Protective Edge

Ahlam Tamimi

Gilad Shalit

Mazen Fuqaha

Yahya Al-Sinwar

Israel-Hamas clash in November 2018

Abdallah Barghouti

Abbas Al-Sayid

Ahmad Sa’adat

Marwan Barghouti

Karim Younes

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