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Arab “traitors” normalize with Israel – “the occupying dogs” - ‎Martyrdom-death for Palestine is good – in poem posted by Fatah

Tunisian poet Maryam Al-Tarablusi: ‎
‎“I am prepared to sacrifice my soul so that you will live in joy and happiness…‎
One day, while we were still sleeping along came the occupation entity…‎
We are no longer happy.‎
We are wandering – and we are not afraid! …‎
Your (i.e., UAE and Bahrain’s) normalization is greater than the treachery of the ‎damned...‎
We do not accept dividing our land in two
For the holy lands will not be divided [between us and] the occupying dogs
An entity of robbers
Your names are a curse in Muslim lands …‎
‎[Palestine,] for which the blood of the Martyrs has flowed year after year –‎
It will never agree to deals of fools
We are the homeland
Better we die as Martyrs for the homeland than to live oppressed...‎
When we liberate Palestine, we will not welcome the visitors with a blessing:‎
Our hypocritical neighbors – to the trash can of history…‎
Treacherous Arab leaders…‎
On the front page we will write: Dogs competing who will support the robbers
You are slaves…‎
The traitors are extinct stuffed animals and this is the definition of the traitors:‎
stupid presidents, the lowliest and most devious people…‎
And all the praise for the resistance and those standing firm in endurance.‎
This situation can’t continue…‎
Palestine will be liberated
despite the disease and the enemies
Its people, my people, are proud of their belonging
They are sacrificing their lives
Martyrs for [Palestine]”‎

Posted text on Facebook page: “Facebook has erased it from a number of pages‎
The poem ‘To the trash can of history’ (the English letter “t” was added to the name ‎of the poem in an apparent attempt to fool Facebook’s algorithms and avoid having ‎the post deleted –Ed.)‎
Words and reading: Tunisian poet Maryam Al-Tarablusi”‎

Israel-UAE peace agreement (Abraham Accords)

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