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PA claim Israeli peace deals “will lead to bloodshed and spread chaos”

Headline: “Erekat: The factions (i.e., Fatah, Hamas, and other terror orgs) will achieve unity despite the American and Israeli threats” 

“PLO Executive Committee Secretary Saeb Erekat said that the [Palestinian] factions will achieve national unity, and that the [PA] presidential order determining the date [of their elections] will be issued despite American and Israeli challenges and threats. 

In an interview with [the official PA] radio [station] The Voice of Palestine yesterday [Oct. 3, 2020], Erekat added… that the occupation’s measures and ‘the deal of the century’ (i.e., refers to US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan) are destroying the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative, with the blessings of the states that are carrying out normalization [with Israel] (refers to the UAE and Bahrain; see note below –Ed.), which will lead to bloodshed and spread chaos in the region. Erekat noted that [Palestinian] national unity is the basis for the struggle against the occupation.” 

Saeb Erekat

The Trump peace plan

Israeli peace agreements with the UAE and Bahrain

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