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Israel vaccinates imprisoned terrorists against the Coronavirus and the PA ‎spreads libels

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.‎  |

While the State of Israel has begun to vaccinate the Palestinian terrorists being held in ‎the Israeli prisons against the Coronavirus – and is doing so even before millions of ‎Israeli citizens have been vaccinated – the PA, for its part, is using the event to once ‎again raise the recurring libel that Israel is conducting medical experiments on the ‎terrorists.‎

The PA’s claims that Israel is neglecting the imprisoned terrorists, both medically and in ‎other ways, and conducting medical experiments on them are nothing new. This is a ‎libel renewed regularly by the PA, and intensifies whenever a terrorist dies of an ‎illness in prison.‎

It goes without saying that there is no basis to these claims.‎

The vaccination of the terrorist prisoners against the Coronavirus is no different. Ever ‎since the vaccine arrived in Israel, the PA and its agents have been demanding that ‎Israel not only vaccinate the terrorist prisoners but also agree to international ‎supervision over the process due to baseless concern that Israel will take advantage of ‎the vaccination to conduct “medical experiments.” ‎

The Prisoners’ Club - which is funded by the PA - demanded that Israel and the Israeli ‎Prison Service subjugate themselves to “a neutral medical committee that will ‎supervise the vaccination of the prisoners and the necessary procedures”:‎

‎“There are still concerns among the prisoners regarding the vaccine, especially ‎in light of the long historical experience on everything regarding the policy of ‎the occupation’s Israeli Prison Service against the prisoners, including the ‎policy of medical neglect (slow murder) [parentheses in source] and the use of ‎their bodies for experiments.”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 21, 2021]‎

An earlier statement issued by the Prisoners’ Club listed the names of three terrorists ‎who had received the vaccine the previous day and repeated the demand to establish ‎a medical committee to supervise the vaccinations:‎

‎“The Prisoners’ Club emphasized the main demand: A neutral medical ‎committee that will supervise the prisoners’ vaccination, the type of vaccination, ‎and the manner in which it is given, especially in the shadow… of a series of ‎concerns connected to a long history [of] a policy that the occupation has ‎implemented on the bodies of the prisoners throughout the recent decades, ‎including using their bodies for experiments…”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 18, 2021]‎

One of the terrorists whose name was mentioned in the Prisoners’ Club statement is ‎Muwaffaq Uruq, a terrorist and citizen of Israel who was sentenced to a 30-year prison ‎term for his part in the double terror attack committed at Tel Aviv’s central station in ‎January 2003, in which 23 people were murdered.‎

At a protest in Jenin, the demonstrators again emphasized the same message:‎

‎“It is necessary to pressure the occupation so there will be a neutral committee ‎that will supervise the provision of Coronavirus vaccinations to the prisoners, ‎out of fears that the occupation authorities will conduct experiments on ‎their bodies as has happened in the past…”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 31, 2020]‎

In a post on the Facebook page of the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, which is also ‎funded by the PA, the commission’s director, Qadri Abu Bakr, raised the demand to ‎supervise the terrorists’ vaccinations through “supervision by the [PA] Ministry of ‎Health and Ministry of Prisoners and the presence of doctors and experts, the World ‎Health Organization (WHO), and the International Committee of the Red Cross.” Abu ‎Bakr explained:‎

‎“Vaccinating the prisoners without briefing the relevant bodies about the type of ‎vaccine and its source raises the concerns of the prisoners and the relevant ‎bodies and causes them to fear that the prisoners will be subjected to Israeli ‎medical experiments.”‎

[Official Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs,‎ Dec. 26, 2020]‎

Just a few days earlier, the Prisoners’ Club sent a message to the WHO demanding ‎that it pressure Israel to allow for a neutral medical committee, with the participation of ‎the Red Cross, which would supervise and observe the process of vaccinating the ‎prisoners. The Prisoners’ Club explained:‎

‎“The decision to give the vaccine is an important demand that we have already ‎raised in the past a number of times, while giving priority to those who are sick ‎and the elderly among them, but this requires the supervision of a neutral third-‎party over the process. This is because since the beginning of the epidemic’s ‎spread, the Israeli Prison Service is continuing to provide the exclusive version ‎regarding the epidemic, especially on everything connected to the results of the ‎prisoners’ [Coronavirus] tests, and to turn the epidemic into a tool to oppress and ‎abuse the prisoners…”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 24, 2020]‎

Regarding the libel that the Israeli Prison Service is deliberately causing diseases ‎among the imprisoned terrorists and conducting medical experiments on them, the ‎Prisoners’ Club added:‎

‎“We are emphasizing this demand at a time when the occupation’s Israeli Prison ‎Service is continuing to execute a policy of abuse… that throughout the recent ‎decades, according to hundreds of facts and pieces of evidence, has caused ‎prisoners to become sick with chronic and dangerous illnesses that has led to ‎the deaths of dozens of them – including four prisoners who have died as ‎Martyrs since the beginning of the year [2020] – and this is in addition to ‎concerns about the prisoners’ bodies being used for experiments…”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 24, 2020]‎

In Israel, the priorities for vaccinating the population against the Coronavirus, including ‎those who are imprisoned, are determined by a committee of the Israeli Ministry of ‎Health. After the committee determined that various groups of the population, including ‎those who are imprisoned – both those imprisoned on criminal charges as well as ‎imprisoned terrorists - should be vaccinated, Israeli Minister of Public Security, Amir ‎Ohana, ordered not to vaccinate all the imprisoned population until all the prison ‎guards were vaccinated. A number of petitions were submitted to the Israeli High Court ‎of Justice against this decision.‎

And indeed, as mentioned above, despite the libels that Israel is conducting medical ‎experiments on terrorists, and despite the PA’s baseless demands that the ‎vaccinations be provided under the supervision of various international bodies, the ‎vaccination of the terrorist prisoners has already begun, even before millions of Israeli ‎citizens have been able to receive the vaccine. ‎

The PA’s ungratefulness regarding the vaccines is not limited only to the imprisoned ‎terrorists. According to an answer submitted in response to a petition to Israel’s High ‎Court of Justice, on Jan. 4, 2021, the PA contacted Israel and asked for an amount of ‎vaccines for over 100 Palestinian medical staff members aged over 60 who are treating ‎Coronavirus patients in the PA. With the consent of the Israeli Minister of Health, the ‎director-general of the Ministry of Health approved the request in a humanitarian ‎gesture, and Israel transferred the vaccines to the PA on the very same day.‎

When the news that Israel had given the PA 100 vaccines became public and was ‎published in the press, the Palestinian Ministry of Health hurried to deny both ‎contacting Israel for aid and receiving the vaccines:‎

‎“The Health Ministry today categorically denied the receipt of dozens of doses of ‎Covid-19 vaccine from Israel.‎
The Ministry described Israeli media reports that Israel has transferred dozens of ‎coronavirus vaccine to the Palestinian Authority at the start of the week as ‎‎‘groundless rumors.’”‎

[WAFA, English edition, official PA news agency, Jan. 13, 2021]‎

The PA already demonstrated its priorities at the beginning of the global battle against ‎the Coronavirus. While many states, including Israel, made great efforts at the start of ‎the pandemic to obtain testing kits and medical devices needed to treat Coronavirus ‎patients, the PA prioritized continuing to pay salaries to imprisoned and released ‎terrorists and allowances to the families of dead terrorists. Later on, PA sources ‎repeatedly promised that they were working to independently obtain the vaccine for the ‎Palestinian population. In the end, when it became clear these statements were not ‎true, the PA returned to relying on its regular excuse – blame Israel.‎

The following are longer excerpts of some of the texts cited above:‎

Headline: “41 prisoners were infected with the Coronavirus at Ramon Prison ‎and Ketziot Prison”‎
‎“The number of prisoners who have been infected with the Coronavirus in the ‎Ramon and Ketziot Prisons rose yesterday, Wednesday [Jan. 20, 2021], to 41…‎
The [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club emphasized the central demand in this ‎context: a neutral medical committee that will supervise the vaccination of the ‎prisoners and the necessary procedures for this…‎
It noted that there are still concerns among the prisoners regarding the vaccine, ‎especially in light of the long historical experience on everything regarding the ‎policy of the occupation’s Israeli Prison Service against the prisoners, including ‎the policy of medical neglect (slow murder) [parentheses in source] (sic., see ‎note below regarding the PA libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners) ‎and the use of their bodies for experiments.”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 21, 2021]‎

Libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners

Headline: “The [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club: Three sick prisoners in Ashkelon ‎Prison received the vaccine”‎
‎“The [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club said that three sick prisoners in Ashkelon ‎Prison received the Coronavirus vaccine yesterday [Jan. 17, 2021]: Muwaffaq ‎Uruq (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of 23), Yasser Rabai’ah (i.e., terrorist, ‎murdered 1 together with an accomplice), and Wael Abu Shkheidim (PWW was ‎unable to determine the nature of his crimes -Ed.).‎
The Prisoners’ Club explained that the three prisoners are serious medical ‎cases – prisoners Muwaffaq Uruq and Yasser Rabai’ah have cancer, and ‎prisoner Wael Abu Shkheidim suffers from a severe health condition…‎
The Prisoners’ Club emphasized the main demand: A neutral medical ‎committee that will supervise the prisoners’ vaccination, the type of vaccination, ‎and the manner in which it is given, especially in the shadow… of a series of ‎concerns connected to a long history [of] a policy that the occupation has ‎implemented on the bodies of the prisoners throughout the recent decades, ‎including using their bodies for experiments (sic.).”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 18, 2021]‎

Muwaffaq Naif Hassan Uruq

Yasser Rabai'ah and Ismail Radaida

Headline: “Jenin: A support vigil for prisoner Jibril Al-Zbeidi, who has been ‎hunger striking for 19 days”‎

‎“Dozens of civilians participated in a support vigil for prisoner Jibril Al-Zbeidi, ‎who has been hunger striking for 19 days consecutively in protest of his ‎administrative detention…‎
The speakers emphasized that it is necessary to pressure the occupation so ‎there will be a neutral committee that will supervise the provision of Coronavirus ‎vaccinations to the prisoners, out of fears that the occupation authorities will ‎conduct experiments on their bodies as has happened in the past (sic.).”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 31, 2020]‎

Text posted on the Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs

Posted text: “[Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs] Qadri Abu Bakr: ‎We have concerns about the occupation’s attempt to vaccinate the prisoners ‎‎[against] the Coronavirus‎
Dec. 25, 2020‎

Director of Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu ‎Bakr said that the Israeli occupation has decided to vaccinate the prisoners with ‎a vaccine [against] the Coronavirus.‎
Abu Bakr told the paper Filastin: ‘Before vaccinating the prisoners, the ‎occupation must brief us on the type of vaccine, its source, and the defined time ‎of the vaccination,’ and he placed a number of conditions, such as supervision ‎by the [PA] Ministry of Health and Ministry of Prisoners and the presence of ‎doctors and experts, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the ‎International Committee of the Red Cross.‎
He added: ‘Vaccinating the prisoners without briefing the relevant bodies about ‎the type of vaccine and its source raises the concerns of the prisoners and the ‎relevant bodies and causes them to fear that the prisoners will be subjected to ‎Israeli medical experiments.’‎
Abu Bakr called to defend the prisoners against the virus and provide them with ‎their needs such as disinfectants, cleaning supplies, and masks. He also called ‎to stop the prison management’s forceful control and the transfer [of the ‎prisoners] between the prisons, in order to protect them from being infected with ‎the virus.‎
The occupation is continuing to detain approximately 4,300 Palestinian ‎prisoners, 700 of them sick people, 40 of them with incurable diseases, and 10 ‎who are suffering from cancer at varying degrees of severity, according to ‎official statistics.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Dec. 26, 2020]‎

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