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PA instructs banks not to close terrorist prisoners’ accounts, works to ‎incorporate released terrorists into PA institutions

Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr: “We’ll ‎talk with the banks and take a position against closing any existing ‎account… Starting from Jan. 1, [2021], we paid [salaries] two months in ‎advance, so that there would be time to find a mechanism to pay the ‎prisoners and released prisoners. The prisoners also raised the topic of being ‎absorbed [into the PA institutions]… There are forms. Not everyone filled ‎them out, but we want to start with the forms that are ready. The prime ‎minister promised that in a few days there will be a decision on the matter... It ‎was emphasized that the prisoners’ cause – both those inside prison and ‎those outside – is a sacred cause that must not be harmed…‎

Independent Palestinian news agency Wattan host: “Have instructions ‎been given to the banks not to close the bank accounts?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Yes, through the central bank-”‎

Host: “Do you mean the [PA] Monetary Authority?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The Monetary Authority. The banks will be contacted ‎‎[about] not closing the existing accounts”‎ …‎

Host: “We also heard that the release grants will be paid later on?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Right. We have received a commitment from the [PA] ‎Ministry of Finance that their payment will be renewed… We will distribute ‎them according to the priorities, and Allah willing by the end of the year we ‎will finish [paying] all the grants.”‎

Host: “Has an amount been set? Is it true that $2 million per month will be ‎paid to the [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs to pay [the released ‎prisoners]?‎”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “It’s a matter of 2, 1 million, 1.5 million…‎

Host: “It has been suggested to transfer [the salary payments] to the [PA] ‎Ministry of Welfare. Is that still an option, or has it been rejected by the ‎political echelon?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “No, that is unacceptable to the prisoners and all the ‎political echelons.”‎

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