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PA’s fake history: The “Zionist narrative” ‎invented “the Jewish people” and ‎colonists linked Jews to Palestine”‎

Excerpt of an op-ed by General Supervisor ‎of the Official PA Media and General ‎Supervisor of Fatah-run Awdah TV Ahmad ‎Assaf

Headline: “Where the danger of the ‎Jewish [Nation-] State Law lies” ‎

‎“The wording of the [Jewish Nation-State ‎Law (see note below -Ed.)] with all its ‎clauses, words, and letters – is a most ‎dangerous thing, but the main danger ‎lies… in how it relies on the false Zionist ‎narrative and a project that was ‎formulated by the Anglo-American ‎colonialism at the end of the 19th century ‎and the beginning of the 20th century. ‎This project began by inventing ‘the ‎Jewish people,’ as many historians have ‎explained, among them Israeli Jews ‎such as Shlomo Sand (i.e., a Tel Aviv ‎University professor whose claims that ‎Jews are an invented people have been ‎thoroughly debunked). Later on, and for ‎the sake of colonialist goals, this people ‎was connected to Palestine through the ‎‎1917 Balfour Declaration (see note ‎below -Ed.), in which Britain promised ‎the Zionist movement to establish a ‎national home for the world’s Jews in ‎Palestine…‎
Let us examine the first clause of this law, ‎and we will see that it says that ‘T he ‎Land of Israel is the historical homeland of ‎the Jewish people, and there it established ‎its state.’ We discern that this project has ‎not made do with falsifying history, but ‎rather has left itself complete flexibility to ‎expand, as it has not determined the ‎borders of the Land of Israel.”‎

Jewish Nation-State Law

The Balfour Declaration

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